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Two days after giving birth to Nora, Julia was able to go home.

She was ready to see her oldest daughter. She had missed her the last two days.

Steve packed everything they brought while Julia breastfed Nora.

The newborn was hungry. She would wake up every three hours exactly not a minute late, not a minute early. Julia barely slept, and the sofa for Steve was too small for him. He also barely slept.

Nora moved her head away from her mother's chest, indicating she was done eating.

Julia cleaned the milk that was dripping from Nora's lips and burped her.

After patting Nora's back the newborn burp. "That's my girl," Steve said.

Julia signed a few parents and they were able to go home.

The drive back was quiet. Nora slept the whole way.

At home Melody was waiting impatiently for her parents.

Nancy was fun to hang out with but she wanted to be with her parents.

"Mommy where," Melody asked Nancy.

The two year old was jumping on the sofa early in the morning. "Melody, you're going to get hurt," Jonathan warned.

Melody continued to jump in a straight line. "Your mom is going to be here soon," Nancy said, getting Melody off the sofa.

"Up" Melody pointed to the sofa and got on it again.

They have been doing that for the last 15 minutes. Melody jumps and then Nancy gets her off. It's an endless cycle.

"I don't remember struggling this much with Will," Jonathan said sitting on the sofa.

Melody jumped by his side and fell on his lap. She was hyper even though it was 9 am.

"Mama mama mama," the young girl repeated as she jumped again.

Steve inserted the key in the front door and unlocked the door.

He opened the door wider behind him was Julia carrying in her arms their second daughter.

"Dada," Melody squealed, happily seeing her parents back.

She ran toward him and was greeted with her father; he bent down with open arms.

She hugged his big body with her small arms. How she had missed her father.

He kissed the top of her head. "There's someone I want you to meet," he said.

Melody looked up at her father, wondering what it was.

He looked to the side where Julia stood. "Mama," Melody happily said. She moved from her fathers embrace and hugged her mothers leg, but her mother didn't hug her back. Her hands were occupied.

"How did you behave," her mother asked.

Melody smiled, showing her teeth "good," she said quickly.

Julia looked at Nancy and Jonathan, waiting for their response. Nancy smiled, seeing the family of four. She nodded her head and said, "Melody was good," she said sincerely.

Jonathan avoided eye contact with Julia; instead, he looked down at Melody, who was spinning in place. "She's very active," he decided to say.

"How are you feeling, Julia," Nancy asked.

"Sore and tired but happy that I can see my sweet girl."

Carefully Julia held her newborn with one hand while, with the other, she caressed Melodys head, making the young girl stop spinning.

Steve slightly pushed Julia's back, wanting her to sit.

"Mellow, do you want to meet your baby sister," Steve said.

Melody watched as her mother walked toward the sofa. She didn't know where her new sister was until her mother sat on the sofa holding little Nora in her arms.

Melody didn't move from her spot.

Nancy smiled as she stood behind the sofa. Jonathan placed his hand on her lower back and watched the small child not make a sound. The newborn moved her tiny hands closed to her face.

"Look, Mellow she's waving at you," Steve said to his first daughter.

The toddler looked at the baby curiously from afar. The tiny baby doll yawned and stretched her small arms above her head.

Melody tilted her head to the side, observing her so-called sister.

Everyone was obsessed with the baby. They wouldn't leave her mothers side.

Nancy moved from her spot and sat beside Julia. Steve and Jonathan were talking but close to the two women.

Melody was away from them; she was alone, no one was looking for her. They had forgotten her.

Is this what her life would be like? Being in the shadows, being forgotten.

She wasn't her parents favorite one anymore she was sure of it.

Was it her time to pack her toys and run away?

Her parents didn't want her anymore; they made it clear by not looking her way.

While Melody was thinking of which toys to pack, her father was walking toward her.

He loved her like there was no tomorrow. His heart grew in size when the new member of the family arrived.

He picked her up. Melody was sad; a frown was on her face. With the back of his finger, he caressed her cheek. "I love you so much, Melody, never forget that," he whispered to her.

He didn't know what it was like to have siblings. He didn't know what was going on in her little brain of hers, but he wanted to make sure she was alright.

Melody wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting to let go of him. Her father was her person. The most important person in her life and he had chosen her instead of the other one, but her mother was still holding the baby with a huge smile plastered on her face.

Melody buried her face on her fathers neck, not wanting to see her mother.

He sat next to Julia. He moved Melody, having her face her mother. "Do you want to see your baby sister," he said to her.


Julia was sad to know that Melody wasn't excited to have a sister.

All her life, she wished she had a sister, even a brother to not be alone with her horrible father.

She had imagined the day she wouldn't be alone anymore. She never had a sibling, but she had Kim, who was like a sister. It made her life a little bit less horrible. She hoped with time, Melody would like Nora and love her, not only as a sister but as a best friend who would be by her side through it all.

After staring at the baby for some time, Melody slapped her sister's leg and ran away.

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