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Morning opened with a frightening call in Nandini's house. An unknown caller threatened them that they had four hours to prepare and reach the main temple of the city. The said caller claimed that he will marry Nandini today. Nandini's father and siblings were sitting all dazed. Nandini's sister silently dialed Navya's number:

"Hello api!"

"Hello api!"__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Nandini woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. She was bound to a chair with the help of ropes. She tried speaking but couldn't due to the tape on her lips. She examined her surroundings; it was a dirty room filled up with broken furniture. Cabir was sleeping right beside her on an old sofa. She struggled but soon got tired.

Please Manik save me!
She prayed in her heart silently.


Navya, Manik and Dhruv were sitting in a room. It's been 5 hours since Nandini got missing.

"Are you sure it was Alia?", Manik asked

"Yes head nurse told me.", Navya said
"But Alia's mom claims that she was in Hyderabad at her aunt's house. She just got back this morning.", Dhruv said

"I doubt it.", Manik said "Have you asked them how she got back?"
"I never got a chance for her mother to disconnect her phone quickly.", Dhruv rubbed his hands. Just then Navya's phone rang and she stepped out to attend.

"I think we need to inquire about Alia more."

"But on what grounds we don't have any proofs"

"We can check CCTV cameras, maybe they caught something."

"Nice I can do that", Dhruv got up. Navya entered,

"Guys! Kidnapper called Nandini's home; he will marry her in a great temple after four hours."
"This means that we got only four hours to save her." Dhruv gasped "It's a race against time"
Manik rubbed her forehead and punched the side locker in frustration. The door opened and things dropped off to the floor.

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