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Everyone clapped. Rings were exchanged. Dhruv silently smiled. Today he lost the love of his life, he sighed and turned to drink water. Sip by sip he finished the glass of water as if pouring the available water on his burning spirit. Then he remembered the night when Alia confessed her love for Manik in-front of him while crying. He turned back and saw the newly engaged couple. They were smiling and posing for a photo together. There was not a hint of sadness on Manik’s face. Alia my love! You deserve all the good things in the world. If Manik is your happiness then I am happy in your happiness. Besides, gems belong together after all. I am just another sheep working in the empire of my friend, dhruv thought. He smiled and clapped.


Nandini slammed shut the door and fell on her bed. Today I lost the love of my life. During the whole ceremony Cabir was dancing with Alia. It did not bother her at all but when Manik was putting a ring in Alia’s finger; that one moment burned her alive. Only God knew how she controlled her tears. Even in the car when Cabir was continuously ridiculing her, she was silent.

“This is your place Nandini. These rich brats never actually care about feelings. See he played with you. Now there he is engaging with the girl of his own class. What were you thinking actually?”

“We were just friends, Cabir , nothing else than it.” When he kept on for long Nandini yelled back “Will you stop discussing it in the way like I was involved with him in the form of any affair.”

“Who knows Nandini? Maybe I never got my eyes on you 27/7.” Cabir laughed. Nandini showed him her hand

“You see this ring. This ring is like a chain of my feet. Never for a single second I ever forget about you. Still  if you don’t believe in me you can have it back.” She started to take her ring off.

Before Nandini could proceed any further Cabir parked the car at the side of the road. He took her hands in a loving way.

“I   believe in you Nandini.” He leaned in and captured her lips. Tears fell free from Nandini’s eyes as she hit his arm. “Good girl, stay like this forever. Never forget who you belong to.”

Finally Nandini was able to pry him off from herself. She felt disgusted. She rubbed off her lips harshly and yelled.

“How many times do I have to tell you never touch me against my consent?”

“Consent, why would I need consent you are mine after-all.”He smirked and drove off.

Nandini lied there and continued to cry. Cabir does make sense. I never have a chance in that class. Every block suits in its best position. She always dreamed about flying higher just like a bird. Now she understood why her granny called her daughter sheep. Daughters are indeed sheep; silent creatures of nature. “I am the sheep.”, she thought as she closed her eyes.


Celebrations were in full swing. Manik and Alia’s family were there in the Mansion. Everyone was dancing and having fun. Few customs were left to be fulfilled. Alia was continuously clinging onto Manik. Manik felt lost in that moment. He lifted his gaze. “Where did Nandini go?” , he thought.

LOVE BY ACCIDENT ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang