5: ʀᴇᴇꜱᴇ'ꜱ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ

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PREVIOUSLY: Valentine and Zero have bonded, Valentine falling completely in love with him brought back her past ghost, to release this stress Azraelian has given her a week off work and a trip to Paris.

Currently: Zero is at home yet again due to the
snow storm still blizzarding outside. Luckily he has company


I was in the kitchen making tea, I watched as the snow fell from the huge glass walls in the pent house, I wore a huge cream sweater that I constantly needed to roll up my sleeves.

I did enjoy wearing it on days like this, it felt like Christmas was right around the corner which it somewhat was. It was the middle of October and Halloween was approaching cautiously around the corner.

I intended to take Zero out shopping with me for costumes and for candy. I would obviously buy extra Reese's peanut butter cups for myself.

I started to crave for chocolate and peanut butter now, I picked up my phone from the counter and texted Black.

Hey Black, hope you
don't mind since I've
already sent you out on a
mission for me can you pls
get some Reese's Peanut
butter cups

Yes Mistress 😒

Excuse me?

What's with the attitude?

Oh? I thought you enjoyed
my moments of
rebellious nature😏

Just get what I asked
of you please, hold
the flirting

I was already so annoyed from me having to persuade him to go out to the store in the weather and to leave my side for groceries and other luxuries I needed from the store.

My cycle started early and even thought I had prepared for it, which was a hassle, it still hurt like hell.

I swear morphine is sounding like gold to me right now, my stomach cramps weren't all bad though. Last time they felt like hot and cold knives being stabbed into my uterus.

Thank god I convinced Black to do it for me or else I'd be totally screwed, I heard the door open twenty minutes later.

It was Black with all the shopping done, I got up cradling my stomach a little, the Tylenol I had taken earlier was starting to wear off.

I walked up to the counter and looked for my luxuries of chocolates and chocolates and even more chocolates.

Black looked upset and annoyed, he sat at the kitchen island and rubbed his temples.

I handed him a Reese's peanut butter cup with an innocent expression, he refused so I slid it on the marble counter and patted his back.

I gave him a small peck on the cheek, "Thank you so much" I whispered in his ear, he started to sit up straight a bit and I could tell he was giving in.

Zero came down to the kitchen and I gave him a peanut butter cup as well, he was jumping around with joy since this was his favorite food... Or candy.

I told him that he can't have too much sugar in one day so he can only have 3 Reese's cups a day and anything else he wanted to eat.

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