24: ֆաɛɛȶɛʀ ʀɛʍɨֆֆɨօռ

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I woke up in a hold, his hold. Ender's hold.

I saw as the sunlight rose upon his face, his entire being glistening just as he was completely asleep.

So peaceful, I wanted to get up but I was motionless in his hold, suddenly he tucked his body in me, his head cradled into my neck and his arms holding me tighter.

I just as I held onto his neck and stroked his hair with my fingers, he had beautiful hazelnut brown locks, his hair was straight and not too long. Tousled as always and could cover his eyes when wet.

I looked at him and felt jealous, unlike him I woke up looking like a witch. I had curly hair and it was naturally tangled and mangled in the morning, I didn't wear much makeup most of the time but when I didn't I had the worst self conscious feeling.

In all honesty the way princess Anna wakes up in frozen was the best way to explain how I wake up, I didn't look like a person who was ok in that moment and then I felt conscious of it.

I suddenly had a strange wave wash over me, feeling like guilt and shame. I slowly started to get up, slow enough so I would not wake him.

I slipped out from him and left the room, I saw as eyes trailed behind me when I walked, murmurs and whispers following closely. "Is that actually her? I expected more, I mean she's good for a few smashes with that body but I wouldn't tie a knot. She's a wreck." I heard one of the guards say to another as I walked passed them.

I saw as Theo started growling at them and was even frothing in the mouth, I simply smiles and snapped my fingers twice, it was something I'd taught him to do. He jumped onto the guard and started biting onto his face, tearing the flesh with his teeth.

I walked to a guest room and got into the shower there, I noticed how I was still respected enough that people would kay out my clothing for me if I was in the shower.

They layed out some dress pants with a white T-shirt and suspenders, "Hmph, not bad." I thought as I posted in front of the mirror.

as I left the room I saw my father on the other side of the door, "Not bad," he said as he looked at me.

I looked away and walked around him, "You have a lot of guts to walk away while I speak." he said as I heard the leather of his gloves squeak.

"And you have guts to talk while I'm walking." I said not caring or looking at him, "Ha, fierce as always. Let's get you to a gun, if you don't, you'll fire at someone else." he was speaking to me like I was Azazel.

I was amazed but I wouldn't tell him that, I kept walking until he handed me a pair of noise cancelling headphones, I have him a stern look and he put them down.

I gazed in front of me as a long line of fire arms here laid out neatly, I picked up a sniper rifle from the table, I turned it around and started adjusting it to my liking.

I kept at it until I heard a whirring sound of the laser, I saw the target was a in a person's shape.

I saw past bullet holes in all of the targets, I placed the gun to my shoulder and planted my feet firmly. I looked into the adjustable lense and  slowly exhaled. I aimed and fired rapidly, bullet hitting the exact same spot as it was before.

The head.

I pointed it at the next target as I walked sidways, I kept my rifle in the exact same spot so I could keep hitting right at the dead center of the head.

I fired so much at 3 of the targets the dents started to form where the bullet hit. I walked back to the first target and suddenly hesitated as I was about to pull the final trigger.

I saw... Hades, Claude Hades Donovan right there where the target was. Smiling happily at me, I gained my ground again pointing the rifle right at him.

"I hate you, Donovan." I whispered as I pulled the trigger emptying the clip and placing the gun back down on the table. I heard a slow, taunting clap behind me.

"Wow, haven't lost it." My father said as he grinned at me, I looked behind him and saw Hades standing right behind him. His was was of only horror. I smirked as I looked at him.

"Well I've had a lot of motivation," I said as I raised my hand, I was pointing to Hades making a finger-gun at him. "What was the motivation?" my father asked curiosly.

"Bang." I mouthed suddenly to Hades making him blink and jolt. I lowered my hand, and looked at my father, "Oh, if only you knew." I said as I walked out of there.

I adjusted the gloved I was using to train, but then I saw how it wasn't a bad look. Very stylish actually, reminded me of Castin. I thought a lot of Castin, things he'd like.

I questioned where he was, I rubbed my gloved hands together and smiled knowing he'd love these.

"Thinking about him?" I heard Azazel's voice called out, I scowled, "Mhm." I tried walking away when he held my arm. "Wait, I know where he is." he said trying to make it sound like a casual thing.

"Where is he?" I taunted, "Where all the kidnapped are." he said nonchalantly, I looked at him with wide eyes before running into one of the heavily bolted door that was guarded.

"Move." I said sternly and the guards moved apart opening the door, I walked down and heard the screams and cried of people in pain and fear.

Until I  came to one that was completely silent, I stormed in and found him. he was chained to a wall, like I was in my dream.

I went over to him and hugged him, "Hey baby girl." he taunted weakly, I started crying. I cried onto my best friend who was bloody and bruised, "I know, I know." he said softly as if he was consoling me.

He had a faint smile on his face, I felt like it should have been me, against the wall, bloody eyes, in pain. Not Castin, he was a witness to everything and if I'd left him there for one more day, they'd have him slaughtered.

I saw as one single tear rolled down his cheek, I looked at him, his left eye was red with the blood dripping down from his forehead. I heard heavy footsteps approaching.

I thought it was my father but I still held onto him, I felt a slight tapping on my shoulder followed by the jingle of keys.

I looked up with teary eyes and Castin's blood on me, I saw Hades, holding the keys. I took them and unlocked the cuffs around Castin's hands and he dropped onto my shoulder weakly.

Hades started walking away as I rubbed Castin's achy body, "Claude." I said softly, he stopped walking, he paused and even stopped breathing in anticipation.

"Thank you. " I uttered the two words, he sighted heavily and carried on walking. I heard as the footsteps receded.

I looked down at Castin, he was sleeping, but just barely breathing, I hid my panic and kept on rubbing him. He shifted everytime I hit one of his sore spots.

"Come on Cassie, let's get you out of here"

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