30: ɢᴏᴅᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ

119 8 4

In Italy, where my mother grew up she was wed to the mafia to pay for her families business, although I'd never known my mother's family there was one loose end they'd forgotten.


I was a wealthy don, successful CEO, famous model, with a great best friend who worked at NASA.

Of course someone would come looking for him, if not me, but then again I wasn't the one they'd find, it would've been Cassie.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's go back to my wedding day. I was in the dressing room, neat clothing, beautiful updo and caked on make-up which was not natural.

I was awaiting Hades arrival, the seconds turning into minutes, until a knock arrived. I eagerly opened it to reveal his muscular chest meeting my eyes before I looked up to his jade eyes.

He made a small gesture to the guard next to him and that guard went to the floor above us as I saw when he pushed the elevator button. Hades guided me through the palace with a stern expression and he never uttered a single word to me.

We were finally met with glass revolving door that shone through the beautiful blue sky, fluffy clouds and smiling sun. I admired it with a slow inhale before walking slowly towards the doors, as the sun hit my face I stood in awe as a free woman.

I saw as Hades, the gentlemen he was, opened the door to my car and held my hand as I got in, he walked around the other side and got in as well. As his door closed and the tinted windows shielded our faces we drove off into the thick traffic until we were met with open road to the airport.

Around the time we could see the airport, someone was walking down the isle... Slowly with a vail over their head. Walking up to the groom in a room with over 150 people watching.

Around the time me and Cassie were holding Zero's hand to board the airplane, Ender was lifting the vail off of their head.

Have I mentioned what a fashion expert Castin was? I hope I have he did such fine work with that dress, the corset giving the feminine shape, the extensions were quite extraordinary.

But who was walking down the isle while I was getting settled onto the plane seat?

Well, that person would be the person who got me into the situation in the first place. As I graduated with honours the university head mistress had giving me a heads up about Azazel's little enrollment way before he told me himself.

And so while I was buckling in my seatbelt, Azazel was getting humiliated at my alter, but I wouldn't let him die like that, as my father decided to stand up to approach my brother.

The humiliation that he had been bested by his daughter and how his son was the bell of the ball, at the alter, the embarrasment of how everyone turned gaze between Azazel and my father,

Castin and I had arranged a rendezvous with the FBI as a special guest at the wedding.

As we flew over the palace where the wedding was held, I could see the flashing of red and blue lights and helicopters surrounding the area. I could practically just make out the expression my father would have as he was being arrested.

I would've loved to see his eyes, the confusion how did I let my daughter get the better of me? How he'd sit there and the gun fire still blazing hot as he was taken away.

My brother walking out of it all scott free and my entire family fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars diminished to ashes and dust. The thought of it making me smile.

As we landed at the airport, I turned on my phone and called my brother, "Hello?" His voice was soft with a lot of commotion around him, "Hey, is Azzy, where are you?" I asked eagerly, with a smile on my face, "Waiting at the airport" I could here the smile that he had just formed. "Where you headed?" I asked proudly admiring him, "Home." And the call need just like that.

I felt a sort of warmth settle in me and a weight off my shoulders knowing my brother was finally living the life he wanted, the life mother wanted for us. I knew my brother was going to be just fine, and I'd always have him.

As Hades drove us home, Zero and Theo started shaking with nerves of excitement to finally be home. Hades unlocked the doors and they rushed into the penthouse, but Hades locked the door immediately afterwards.

He started the engine again and kept driving with me in the passenger seat. I could see as his breathes were more relaxed, he looked calm, and at peace. I looked at my city, my home.

I looked at the sky that was clear and the beauty of the skyscrapers I'd long missed, he drove us to a deserted road and parked on the red sands. He got out opening the door for me as well, he leaned against the hood of the car and I sat on the hood right next to him.

I could tell he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. The atmosphere was thick and the sun was setting. I sat there admiring the burnt sienna colour of the sky, I could tell Hades has turned to look at me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him not looking at him, he placed his hand on my chin turning my face towards him, "It really is." He said softly, he leaned in closely until our lips met, sweetly kissing me, I felt my entire body burst with electricity.

He's touch that I'd longer for and his warmth that I'd miss, I wasn't his, he was mine.

I ran my fingers through his hair and played with his hair curling it between my fingers. His hands roamed cautiously around my body down to my waist pulling me closer. As we broke the sweet kiss, I stopped to catch my breath.

I then understood... there were no words to say, nothing to speak about. It was over. And we were safe now. I wrapped my arms around Hades neck and he leaned lower kissing my neck passionately.

I arched my back into his touch as I felt more satisfied than ever with just a soft kiss. That day we didn't do anything you'd call disgusting.

That was the day we made love.

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