Chapter 20: Sleepover! And Kanda, You Have To Go!

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Allen's POV:

           Lenalee wanted everyone to come to her house for a sleepover. We four will be sharing a room... I usually wouldn't find it to be a problem, but ever since Kanda and I had that "kiss" in the hallway, things have been different. We've kinda been avoiding each other. Like, he'd see me in the hallway and start walking the other way type of avoidance. We haven't texted each other in a week and I'm genuinely starting to get depressed because of it. 

          I sigh. I should try to patch things up with him. I'll just confess everything to him and see what happens. He's avoiding me over a stupid accidental kiss anyway, what's the worst that can happen?


          I wait in Lenalee's room alone. She went to the door to greet Kanda and Lavi. I start to sweat a little. This is going to be so awkward! I hate it! 

          The door opens and I see my three friends. "Heya buddy! How's it goin'?" Lavi asks. "Good, how are you?" I lie with a smile. "Good! I just found this good di-" He starts to word spill and gush about this dinosaur book series he discovered. It's honestly adorable how passionate he is about his interests. 

          After Lavi stops word-spilling about his discovery, we start talking about different subjects and our plans for the upcoming finals. Now, comes the fun part. Braid train! Kanda started to argue about not doing it, but Lenalee convinced him to join. Sadly, I have to braid his hair. This is going to be awkward; as predicted. 

          We get into a circle and braid each other's hair. Kanda's hair is so soft! I can't help but play with it a little. After running my finger through it, I start braiding. We all, except for Kanda, start talking and cracking jokes. After we finish, we admire our new hairstyles. 

          "Oh, I have to prepare snacks! Lavi, come help me." Lenalee announces. "Wait, can I come!" I request. "Nope, stay here." She says and they both leave. I pout. At least this gives me a chance to talk to Kanda. "Um, Kanda, I have to tell you something," I say. He hums, signaling to me that he's listening. I sigh. "I like you," I admit. The room stays silent for a little while. "Don't," he says. I feel my heart sink a little. "Why not?" I ask. He sighs. "You deserve better," He admits. 

          I stand up and walk over to him. I slap him. "What do you mean by that!? Are you implying that you're not good!?" I shout. He touches his cheek and looks up at me. "I mean you shouldn't be with me. All I've done was treat you like shit. Go like someone else, Moyashi." He retorts. That pisses me off a little. "You're not denying that you like me as well. Look, Kanda, I like you because of how you are. You're not overly nice, you're not a romantic, and you're not a playboy. You're just you," I state. "And if you won't let me love you for you, then I'll try my damnedest to make you see how stupid you are," I add. 

          The room falls silent again. Kanda grabs me by the collar of my shirt and violently drags me down to his level. He shoves me to the ground and roughly puts his lips on mine. I kiss him back and after a while, we let go. "You asked for this. If you don't like it, then don't bother complaining because I warned you, stupid moyashi." Kanda hisses. He sits back up and just looks at me; studying me.

          I sit up and crawl over to him. I lay my head on his lap and close my eyes. "Thank you," I say with a smile. He scoffs and starts playing with my hair. I hum while he does so and things feel peaceful. 

          After what feels like an eternity, Lenalee and Lavi finally come back with snacks. "Oh, what's this? Yu and Allen cuddling? How cute~" Lavi coos. "Shut your mouth!" Kanda shouts. "Babe, stop yelling. They brought snacks! Let's eat!" I say and scurry over to them. I hear Kanda scoff. "So, you finally confessed?" Lenalee asks with a smirk. Oh, she left me alone with him on purpose! She's good. 

          I nod. "He even said he'd date me!" I exclaim. The "Yullen Official Heads", as they call themselves, squeal in joy. "Oh, our baby!" They shout at the same time. Oh God, they're starting to sound like Mana. They then start gushing about us and Kanda saw me starting to get annoyed, so he got this 'smart' idea and kissed me in front of them. Thanks, Kanda.


          I sigh. "So, when are you getting a new place? You said Nea was loaded." Lavi asks. "Well, we're still trying to find the right place on Zillow," I reply. Lavi nods. "Better hope those walls are soundproof." Kanda retorts. I blush violently. "S-Shut up, stupid BaKanda!" I shout. They all laugh. "That's it! I'm going to bed! You guys are the worst!" I state and proceed to go to bed. Tonight was weird as fuck.

(Rewritten) You're Saying You Like Me?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant