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After some time ambulance came and people helped that woman and her child. Ambulance send them to the hospital and after some time police also came. They asked some questions to passerby and Lu Xi was also there and she told them what she could say. After that, they gone.

At the hospital, woman woke up after some treatment, it turns out, that she was asthma patient and her inhaler was empty, she felt some problem in breathing but before she could do anything and ask for help she lost consciousness. And then she woke up at hospital. Her name was Kelly Brown. When police came, they asked her some questions and she told them what happened. She wished she could thank the person who helped her in her desperate situation. Police told her that person (Lu Xi) didn't told her contact information and then they went after some time. And doctor also informed Kelly that her child has woken up, she thanked doctor and went to see her child.

Here, Lu Xi didn't want to give her contact information to police because it can cause her some problems that's why she only saved that woman and only said what she could say.

After that she went straight to hotel to rest. She decided to leave here and go back home because she also felt something strange , she can't pinpoint it for now but she doesn't have a good feeling about this strange feeling.

She decided to go back in 2 days because her trip was also about to ca'ome to an end. Next day, she was roaming around when she came to a car shop, she decided to look around when she saw a modified suv, she asked the clerk who told her "someone ordered it before but now he doesn't want it and that person is with some status so we cannot bother that person and now showed out this car to sold it". Lu Xi got interested in it and as she looks the car she likes it more and now she can easily afford this kind of car. She told the clerk her wish to buy this car and clerk told this to the manager, manager was naturally very happy about this, so Lu Xi bought the car easily, she paid full deposit and the manager took care about car papers. When it came to the matter of delivery, she told them that she will deal with it, she directly drive out the car and at the deserted place where no one was nearby she placed the car in the space. Then she also bought some famous food from different shops and at evening she went back to hotel.

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