Ch-40 Zombies Outburst

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That night, that strange colourfull light balls phenomenon happened till 3 a.m. of mid night but after just two hours when everyone was sleeping peacefully without knowing anything whatever happened before, wake up due to screams.

When people were sleeping, suddenly a scream broke out in the half night and half light situation and they all were unprepared.

That scream was so horrible and scary that it chased away their sleepiness and soon there were other screams too. "Ahh.. help.. help.. noo... help somebody..." Someone was shouting like this and suddenly there were other mixed screams too " Nooo... please don't .. help please.. Zombie... there are zombies here... help..."

There were screams filled with sorrow which came from many people. May be now zombies are everywhere that people were so scared and don't know what to do. Some people also tried to contact police department and also other relevant departments for help, but due to some reasons, line was busy continuosly.

May be situation changes so soon that it made people unable to guard against otherwise they also heard about zombies before which were found in some places but now they are in front of them in form of their relatives and also attacking them and also killed some other family members.

Police officers and also military forces were also fighting and trying their best to kill and eliminate these zombies in hope to protect as many people as possible but two hands can't possibly fight 20 hands, these forces were alot but they also lost many of their people in this phenomenon where people changed from human into zombies suddenly and they couldn't do anything to stop it, but the good news was that there were not many people in these forces who changed into zombies maybe because of their good physique.

They tried there best to kill many zombies but they are also humans who feels tired, but still they were fighting.

Here, city officials held a meeting and thought of some countermeasures, in which, tv stations, radio stations and also with helicopters, they released news about this and informed everyone what to do. They told everyone about not to go out and close the windows and doors tightly and if there are zombies in their house, try to kill it by removing its head otherwise it will not die and also try to save food and water as much as possible etc.

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