Ch-64 The Lord 2

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The brown clothed man said " The Lord, that person has awakened all the powers of your blood, it means she has already absorbed more than 1\3 of it, now that time is not far away when it will all be over."

It made the expression of The Lord to change even though it was just a subtle but it still there was.

His almond shaped black eyes became unfocused for a while, don't know what he was thinking.

He became a little interested and said to them " it seems you got the right person who can who can make my blood essence submit to her and become her part. By then there was a little smile at the corner of his pink lips which shows some arrogance but also showed some interest. Interest for the person who made him laugh.

Orchard then said "The Lord, you will definitely come out soon and your punishment will end soon with that.

It made both other man terrified, sure enough The Lord expression became changed, not much changed but it was still enough for them to know that the The Lord was very very unhappy.

The Lord raised his almond black eyes and stared at them for a while, it was already enough for them to sweat and after some time The Lord opened his pink lips and said to them something which made their knees tremble and then they all kneel down to apologise.

The Lord said " It seems you guys are powerful enough to comment on my matters , right!

But they all know they touched his inverse scale and now he is really angry.

Orchard was on her knees and said " My Lord, it was not intentional, we are just happy for you that you can come out soon so this slave said something without thinking much. My Lord, please I am really sorry."

The Lord didn't said anything else but gave them order to go out and when they were still wanted to say something more, they found they couldn't see him anymore, he closed the communication barrier for them. They didn't had a choice and can only go.

When they came they were happy but now they were sad because now their Lord was unhappy to them. All the way they were quiet and didn't talk but silently went away. Just then Brown clothed man said " don't worry, The Lord will come out soon so he won't be too much angry by then and even if he is, we can get punishment from him to make him not too much unhappy and angry. Afterall it is our duty to make him comfortable and happy and it is also our fault that he is trapped here now. When saying that, his eyes filled with water.

NATURE: The Most Powerful Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora