Ch-94 Lu Xi Left

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   Lu Xi showed them how she use the crystal cores. They were all shocked by the scene in front of. The crystal core, which they all tried with their hands and even tried to feel it's difference, couldn't do anything about it bu Lu Xi dis it without any trouble. How...?/??

   Lu Xi looked down at the crystal core powder in hands then said "It's just like you see, you have to feel the crystal core energy to use it, I can't say anything else about it, other things, you guys can discuss it."

   After hearing her words, people thought about it and felt that she couldn't explain the process that's why she couldn't tell it. But when they listen to her last part, they realised that something is wrong.

   Zhao Yan said "What to do mean by this."

   Lu Xi looked towards the window and then said : It's been sometime since we have been here, and it's time for me to leave."

   Zhao Yan and others were shocked by hearing her say this. Zhao Yan couldn't help but say : What do you mean you are leaving, aren't you coming with us, we killed zombies together and faced danger together, so should be together as a team, how could we let you go alone, it's better to stay together to be more safe."

   Zhao Yan doesn't know whether it's his selfish intention or not, but he really doesn't want Lu Xi to leave alone.

   Lu Xi said :" No, I have to go now and alone, I'll be fine myself more." After saying that, she looked at Zhao Yan and others deeply.

   "We have faced zombies together and killed them together, that's why I told you guys the secret of crystal cores. I hope when fate allows and we meet again, you guys will become powerful."

   "Ok, that's it. You guys are also very tired right now, you guys go have some rest."

   Lu Xi said with so much force in her voice so that no one could deny her words.

    Soon, they all went to some clean rooms to have some rest. Zhao Yan couldn't help but turn back and say "aren't you going to have some rest?"

   Lu Xi looked at him for a while, and after some time, Zhao Yan couldn't help it, but say sorry to hear and went to the room. After going inside the room, he touched his forehead, it was covered with sweat".

   Lu Xi was sitting alone outside on the sofa, closing her eyes to have some rest. After confirming that everyone slept, she went outside and then took out her car from the space. She opened the car door, but couldn't help but looked back at the house where she stays there with them. She confirmed once again that there are no zombies in the near proximity of this house, she sat in the car and drove away without much noise.

   Here, in the cave....

   The Lord, who was in the cave saw everything whatever happened outside through the jade token...

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