Ch-109 Lu Xi Joined The Team

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   Lu Xi was sitting there resting when one soldier came to her and said "Hello, I am captain of this team, my last name is Su. May I ask you name?

  Lu Xi: Hello, my name Lu Xi.

   Captain Su saw that 'he' was very beautiful 'boy' with jade white skin and silver hair and 'he' was still very neat and clean even in this situation, but 'he' was wearing black goggles even when talking to himself. Then he thought that maybe 'he' like to wear goggles, and it seems 'he' has the condition to groom 'himself'.

   Captain Su: We are soldiers from base D. We came out with the task and it was to save people and safely send them to Base D, but unfortunately we encountered so many zombies here. We were actually unable to cope up with this situation and it was really hard for us to even save our life but I saw that you were very good in fighting with these zombies and you actually fought very well and saved many lives.

   I want to ask you if you are going to Base D, you can come with us. Are you alone or do you have any companions? It's because it's not safe to travel alone in this dangerous situation where zombies are everywhere.

   Lu Xi thought for a second and said: No, I am alone and I am going to Base D. If you people don't have any objection, I will join the group with you.

  Captain Su: Ok. Wait a moment.

   After saying that, he went to his teammates and said something to them after listening to him, there wasn't any reaction on their faces but their eyes were shining brightly.

   Captain Su came back to Lu Xi and told her to come with him. After that he took Lu Xi to his teammates and introduce her to others.

   Soon, others take out all the crystal cores from the zombies according to their killing. Lu Xi didn't participate in their distribution because she has already got her share of crystal cores before by herself. But there were some people who tried to get more than deserved but it all failed by others and they took their own share obediently. Only military people distributed it equally between themselves without any ordinary people. After they all collected zombies bodies together and fire super power users turned them.

   After burning zombie bodies, they didn't stayed there any longer and went away but this time Lu Xi was going with them in her own car.

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