Ch-76 Woke Up

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After eating and drinking enough when they regained some of their energy, they felt better and just then that brother Jian made some noise and when others looked at him they were surprised to find that his eyelashes were moving slightly and maybe he was waking up.

They were right because after a little while, he really opened his eyes and woke up. Zhou Ting walked up to him and asked him how he was feeling and after confirming that he was really alright but just weak, they were all relieved.

Zhou Ting looked up to Lu Xi and Lu Xi understood it, she rolled her eyes in her mind at him and handed some water and bread to him to feed him. Zhou Ting took it without any hesitation and asked brother Jian to quickly eat and drink it to replenish his energy.

Brother Jian was really feeling very hungry so he didn't think about any thing else and eat the bread and drink enough water.

After regaining some of energy, he finally looked up at Lu Xi and was stunned. He was really amazed by such a dashing 'boy' in front of him, he then looked at Zhou Ting and asked him who he was and why is he here.

Zhou Ting looked at him and then turned his head to look at Lu Xi and then told brother Jian everything how she came here.

Brother Jian didn't said anything else and didn't opposed this. After eating and drinking enough, he closed his eyes to check something and really found it.

He happily opened his eyes and his met with other team members. Someone asked what happened but he didn't said anything but showed them. He raised his hand and then in just a while there was a wind blowing at his hand in a very fast speed, not so big but still everyone could see that.

Everyone understood almost instantly and they were also very happy for him. He was their leader because he was from the start and they were also worried about him.

When Lu Xi saw that he woke up, she checked his body and found that the chaotic energy inside of him now calmed down and merged into his body.

After watching it, she thought about something and then made a decision. She stood up from her place and with her movement, everyone also looked at her as if want to know what she is doing.

Lu Xi didn't bothered about anything and told them that she was leaving since outside is safe now and it is the best time for leaving. But she also asked Zhou Ting to pay back her food and water soon. Zhou Ting became somewhat embarrassed and brother Jian also found it, he asked about the situation, then Lu Xi told him about food and water condition. Brother Jian looked at Zhou Ting and told Lu Xi that he just woke up and can't go now so they will leave sometime later and she can wait for it.

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