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"Hey Tubbo, just spin around in your boat. I'll be back in a minute. Mum wants me to empty the dishwasher." I say through my mic, expecting a spinning Tubbo in a boat to entertain my stream for a bit. Which somehow works.

"Take your time, bossman." I hear him say quite loudly as I take my headphones off and close my door on my way out of my room.

I walk down the stairs swiftly and make my way into the kitchen. I open the dishwasher and stand back to let the hot steam flow out. I start with the cups, putting them back in the cupboard. Trying to hurry up I grab about 5 plates and walk over to the counter, putting them down. Picking up the plates two at a time and putting them away gently.

As I pick up the last plate I feel a shiver run down my arm. I suddenly get the urge to slam my hand on the counter. Unable to comprehend what was happening, my hand comes down onto the counter smashing the plate. "FUCK." I scream out as a piece of glass gets lodged into the palm of my hand. Well shit.

Tic your time away || Tommyinnit  Tourette's AUWhere stories live. Discover now