Chapter Two

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"Make sure not to get it wet for around one to two weeks. Go to your doctors after a week and if it's not removed then wait one more week." The doctor explains as he wraps my stitched hand up.

"Thank you, Dr. Pebble," I say with utmost sincerity. Sure I'm pretty annoying and arrogant on stream and in my videos but that's only a persona. Just because of my persona is like that doesn't mean I'm not. Besides my fucking hand hurts too much to be annoying right now.

"Tom, why did you throw the plate? You got hurt because of your stupid decision." I turn to look at my mom dumbfounded.

"I said I didn't do it on purpose, my hand just moved on its own. It's bad enough I ended my stream so suddenly, now everyone thinks I probably died or something." I stop my rant to see both of my parents looking very concerned.

"Dr. Pebble is it possible to get some anxiety medication for him? He seems to be running into rants like that lately." My dad says side-eyeing me. Perhaps he was right, maybe it was just my anxiety. I would probably like the medication anyways if it helped me calm down a bit.

"I think that would be a wise move, also Tomas makes sure to keep drinking lots of water. Your anxiety can affect your blood pressure, driving it up." Dr. Pebbles says with his professional tone.


Fluoxetine. Although it's an antidepressant it's good for treating anxiety. I heard many things about antidepressants and not good things. I've heard how dull they make you feel, how your purpose in life just seems to slip away from you.

Incoming call from Dream

"Hey Dream, my man! How are you?" I said right after I entered the call.

"Hey, Tommy. You ended your stream very abruptly last night, are you okay?" I felt that one coming.

"Yeah, I was just emptying the dishwasher and a plate just broke on me. Got some glass in my hand so I went to the hospital. Got like 4 stitches, so it's wrapped up at the moment." It was only basically a half-truth. I just didn't want to bring up my new meds or the fact I somehow accidentally threw a plate.

"What?! How does a plate just break on you? Well, I guess it's like a phone randomly dying on you." Not sure if I get the comparison but I guess he's not wrong.

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