Chapter Eight

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"Hey Wil, can I speak with you?" I said lagging behind Tubbo and Phliza.

"Yeah of course, what's up Tom?" He turns to me looking a little more serious.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out longer. Like at a park or somewhere else." My first move in this weird situation.

"Yeah, sure. Hey, Phliza, and Tubbo! You guys can go ahead, we'll see you guys later."

"Alright have a safe journey home." Philza Minecraft turns to say then continues walking.

"Bye Tommy! Bye Wil!" very energetic.

✯✯✯ (Timeskip brought to you by my crippling anxiety)

The sun was now starting to set. Wil and I spent the whole day just doing weird things. We feed some ducks, and I got a bit too close and almost became duck food. We went to a few shops and some sweet stores. Now we were back at the lake we were feeding the ducks. Sitting down on a hill looking at the lake with our bags of sweets.

"That was fun. Do your parents know you're out this late?"

"Yes, I told them before I left. I was pretty sure you'd say yes to hanging out longer."

"Awe did you miss me? I mean you've been like gone for a while now." Time to rip the bandaid off.

"Wil, I was diagnosed with Tourettes. I threw a plate and got my hand cut open. I got some medication which made me feel pretty shitty. I guess I was just scared because I don't know how to deal with it. I still don't know how, I just needed to tell someone other than my parents." Wil who was laying on the ground was now sitting up and looking at me dumbfounded.

"Asshole." Which was accompanied by the middle finger. "There's your example. I don't tic a lot but it's pretty easy to hide with my little persona."

"I see, so your body just moves on its own. Well, I'm always here for you Tom." He puts an arm around my shoulder. "Now let's get you home before your parents worry."

"Of course, thank you Wil." Easier than I thought, maybe this won't be so bad.

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