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– The water slowly creeps down the stream. A pair of converse placed firmly into the soil of the ground that rested underneath the bridge.

Blonde locks have clouded the man's vision. His blue eyes looked tiredly down at the water. Seeing his reflection into the cold crisp waters.

He shifted. Getting closer to the water. A gentle exhale escaped out of his chapped lips. His calloused fingers dipped themselves into the cold water.

Hissing a bit from the cold sensation. He extracted his hands back. Brushing them onto the fabric of his blue denim jeans.

His name is Kurt Cobain.
But, his friends just call him Kurt.

Kurt cleared his throat. He was thirsty. So this water will have to do. Cupping some of the water into his palms – the man takes a sip.

It was refreshingly cold. He repeated this set of actions. Cupping up some more water and hydrating himself.

Shaking his hands, droplets fell onto the dried stones that were littered across the ground.

His hand went upwards and ran his fingers through his hair. It was greasy. Greasy enough and constantly messy.

But the man didn't seem bothered. Damping his hair a bit with the water. A soft grunt left his lips as he stood up.

His long lanky legs walked up to where his acrostic guitar was placed. He grasped it with his hand and lifts it up.

Leaving underneath the bridge, he walked up the hill. A soft pant left his lips as he reached the top. His head looked up to see the familiar clouds covering the skies.

It was darker. The sign that it was getting closer to raining and being the night time.

He carried his guitar with his left hand. Converse getting dirtier each step he takes. Occasionally he would step in a sluggish muddy slump.

Continuing his walk – he had to get back to the apartment. This apartment he got with to share with his friends – Dave Grohl and Krist Noveselic.

Friend, Dave.

Kurt shakes his head. Feeling his mind twist with thoughts about the drumming man.

His pale cheeks slowly turned into a light shade of a pastel pink. He shakes his head to get rid of those thoughts, once again.

Continuing to make his stroll back. His head remained looking down at the floor. He kept his eyes glued to his shoes. A calm expression rested on his face. His guitar grasped tightly in his hand as it slightly dangled down.

He makes it to his location. By now it has gotten dark. The sky a harsh black with white stars littered across the colden night.

Walking up the steps of the porch. His hand grasped onto the door knob and turned it open.

He sees no one.

He felt confusion and anxiety rise up his skin. Trotting his shoes inside the apartment. He shuts the door behind him.

It was a soft close. Kurt had his back facing the door. Feeling tensed he slowly turned his head.

"RAH!" Krist hollars and placed his hands onto Kurt's shoulders. Suddenly appearing into the room.

The body that belonged to Kurt Cobain got completely startled. He gasped as his body jumped. His hand pressing against his rapidly beating his heart.

The guitar loosely out of his hand. Almost hitting towards the ground. Krist started to laugh as he stepped back.

"Fuck!" Kurt cussed out as Dave appeared into the room. The lamp being switched on as he loosely crossed his arms.

A small smile resting on the drummers. "He got you good, didn't he?" He teasingly asked the blond headed frontman.

Humming in disagreement and annoyance, the blonde walks and sets his guitar in the corner of the room.

"Sure." Kurt replied sarcastically as a smile rises to his face. Krist walked himself over to the chair that was beside the couch and takes a seat.

"It was the perfect opportunity!" Krist beamed in enjoyment and laughter. Dave shakes his head as a small chuckle left his lips.

Kurt plopped himself onto the couch. Sighing softly as he tucked up his baggy jeaned covered legs.

Dave sits next to the blonde. His chestnut colored eyes pouring themselves into Kurt's features.

Dave observed the man. Watching how his fingers digged themselves into the tobacco and placing it onto the little white papers.

The television played softly into the background thankfully as white noise from Krist turning it on.

Kurt's pink tongue licked the papers closed after he rolled it. Cerulean blue eyes gazed slowly over at Dave.

Dave felt his heart stop. Those eyes.
A small smile rises to Dave's face before he turned his attention to the miniature boxed television.

A hand outstretched and picked up the blue colored lighter. The blonde flicked it on. Placing the homemade cigarette up to his lips as he lights it.

Dave bit his lip softly as his gaze traveled itself back over to the blonde. Kurt takes a heavy drag. Blowing the white clouded smoke up into the room.

"Want a drag?" Rasped voice spoke out the question. Cerulean eyes clashing themselves into the dark brown ones.

Dave nodded his head as he reached his hand out. He takes a hold of the cigarette and brings it up to his lips.

Kurt observed with a tiny smile resting across his lips. "Smoke it, c'mon." He encouraged as he laughed softly.

Dave takes a deep inhale of the cancerous drug. Quickly pulling the stick back as he exhaled the smoke slowly.

Kurt's laughter softly echoed around the room as he was passed the lightened cigarette back.

All three men turned their attention the TV show that was starting to get interesting.

Enjoying their evening with comfort silence.

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