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Their laughter slowly calmed themselves. Turning them into soft breathy chuckles until vanishing completely.

Kurt opened up the pack. Taking off the plastic seel and crumbling it up. He shoved it into his pocket. Kurt placed a cigarette up in between his lips.

"Light?" He muttered. Dave finished his chocolate bar. He nodded his head towards the blonde. "It should be in my pocket in my jacket." He replied.

Kurt shoved his hand into the leathery pocket and takes out the gray colored lighter. Flicking it a couple times, it finally turned on itself.

He ignited the cancerous drug and pulled the flame back. Flicking it off as he takes a drag. Exhaling the smoke into the cold air.

Placing the lighter back into it's previously spot. Dave watched Kurt with love in his chestnut colored eyes.

He couldn't help it. He is so deep in love. In love with his best friend.
A smile rises onto Dave's face as he watched Kurt.

A blonde eyebrow raised itself as Kurt takes another drag of his cigarette. Flicking down the ashes once he was finished with his drag.

"What..?" Kurt muttered as he kept the lightened cigarette in between his fingertips. Dave stared his brown eyes deeply into Kurt's blue ones.

Studying the pupils and the shades of blue in his eyes. His eyes. They are astonishingly beautiful to look at.

"Nothing–" Dave replied. Snapping out of his trance and turned his head. Looking away with a small chuckle leaving his lips. "We should head back,  I have to call Krist."

"Oh? Alright." Kurt hummed softly as he flicked the cigarette down. He and Dave got themselves up. Kurt stepped the cigarette out.

Dave had to rant his emotions out to somebody. He couldn't say it to Kurt. Because it's emotions are literally about him. So he has to rant them out to Krist.

No questions were asked. Kurt didn't interrogate anything. The two continued to make their walk back.

Dave's brown eyes traveled to Kurt's hand. It was dangling. His teeth lightly bites at his pink bottom lip as he continued to eye Kurt's hand while they walk.

Deciding to be smoother than expected. Dave reached his hand down and gently grasped onto the blondes.

Kurt abruptly stopped his steps. Which caused Dave to stop has well. Both of their faces turned red as they faced each other.

The drummer bit his lip again. He started to feel nervous. His skin crawling as he heard his heart beat pound in his ears.

His throat was stiff. Those blue eyes. Pouring themselves into Dave's facial features. Suddenly a smile broke out onto Kurt's face as he gently squeezed Dave's hand.

Dave felt the squeeze and all panic settled itself. He didn't understand why he was panicked internally over this.

They kissed before on live television. So holding hands shouldn't be this overwhelming.

Dave enjoys those kisses with Kurt. But he was sure it was just to show the live television that gay people have rights.

Maybe he was a overthinker. Overthinking this situation that two are interacting with. What if Kurt did truly enjoy those kisses too?

It was a heavy silence. Kurt hummed as he continued to look at Dave. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Snapping out of his overthinking trance. Dave nodded his head immediately. "Yeah, sorry.. I must've uh, zoned out."

Kurt bit his lip as a smile tugged up on his lips. Dave felt his stomach flipped with butterflies. His smile.

Dave exhaled slowly. "Let's uh, continue our way back. Kurt." He nodded his head. Kurt hummed as he nodded back in reply.

The two started to walk once again. Hand-and-hand with each other. Dave felt relieved. He thought Kurt was going to be weirded out, but he wasn't.

Dave felt his face rush up with a crimson blush as he felt Kurt's skinny arms wrapped themselves around Dave's arm.

Hugging one of his arms now as they continued to walk. Chestnut eyes glanced over, he truly found the shorter man adorable.

Especially wearing his black leather jacket. It just doubled the cuteness. Kurt's face burned red. Red as an apple. Bright as two cherries on his cheeks.

Dave chuckled softly as he continued to walk with the blond. "You're cute." The words slipped off Dave's tongue.

They approached the familiar apartment. They both stopped together at the front door. Facing each other.

Kurt shyly looked down as he muttered. "Thank you." Yet he didn't believe it. Dave knew that. But it was true, just unfortunately Kurt didn't see himself that way.

Dave smiled a bit as he unlocked the apartment door with the key. "Okay, head inside."

Kurt obeyed. He walked himself inside as Dave followed in, shutting the door behind himself.

Kurt slips off Dave's leather jacket. Wearing his green cardigan underneath it. He handed it back to him. "Here, thanks for your jacket earlier. I'll be upstairs."

' Perfect. ' Dave thought as he takes the jacket back. "Thank you, and alright buddy. I'll be down here with the phone. Come downstairs if you need anything."

Kurt nodded his head as he left the living room. Dave heard the blond trotting himself up the stairs.

Once he was fully up in the room. Dave  tossed his jacket onto the couch. He walked himself to the kitchen.

Dialing Krist's phone number with the landline. He picks up the phone, the chord dangling in the slightest as Dave placed the phone up to his ear.

Calling Krist, allowing the phone to ring.

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