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Film eventually came to it's closing point. The credits rolled across the screen. Dave looked down to see Kurt passed out.

Smiling, Dave picks up the remote and switched the television off. The living room has now gotten dark.

Kurt's hands lightly gripping Dave's clothed chest. The fabric of his tee held by sleepy fingertips.

Dave hummed in relaxation as he leaned his head down. Pecking Kurt's head.

Shifting for a moment, Dave picks up Kurt. Standing himself up with Kurt held bridal style in his arms.

The blanket draped over Kurt, slightly dangling on the floor. Being mindful, Dave carefully carried Kurt upstairs.

Blue eyes came to an open. Kurt lifted his gaze when he noticed he is being carried. His body is light. Easy to hold.

"Mm..? Where we going..?" Kurt tiredly asked as Dave turned the corner. He walked down the hallway.

"Your bedroom or mine?" Dave whispered as he walked. Kurt blinked his eyes a bit so the sleepiness can fade off.

"Mine, I have weed in there." He replied. Dave immediately smiled once the happy drug was mentioned.

Holding Kurt close with his muscled arms, he muttered to the blond. "Open the door."

Kurt complied and extended his arm out, opening his bedroom door. Dave carried Kurt into the bedroom.

Lightly, he plopped the blond onto the bed. Kurt started to laugh as Dave switched on the little lamp that was beside the bed.

"Okay, mister Cobain...where's the marijuana?" Dave teased as he started searching Kurt's room. Kurt sat himself up. A little smile on his face.

"Over there, by the dresser and television. I have it tucked back there."

Dave went over. "A–ha!" He beamed as he picked up the ziplock bag of green. Kurt started to laugh again as he picked up the bong that was resting on the nightstand.

It was rainbow colored.  Like a tye dye spiral.

"Ooh, that's a pretty bong." Dave complimented as he went over to Kurt's bed. Sitting on it and opening up the ziplock.

"I painted it. Originally it was white and boring. So I added my own art to it." Kurt explained as Dave gently takes it. He started to prepare the bong with the marijuana.

"I'm listening, don't worry." Dave replied as he takes out a lighter from his pocket. The bong was ready to be used.

Kurt fidgets with his navy colored sleeves. Pulling them over his hands as he continued to speak.

"Art is like a huge passion of mine. You know? Takes your stresses and worries away. Hell, paint the emotions out. Draw, create, write. whatever works. I love it all, you know?"

Dave has his head lifted. Smiling as he eyed Kurt with love. He loves his voice. He can hear Kurt talk forever.

"Yeah, for sure man. Want to take the first hit?" Dave asks as he offered the bong. Kurt nodded his head and takes it with the lighter.

He leaned his head down and switches on the lighter. Taking a hit. Dave watched happily.

Kurt suddenly pulled his head back and coughed. Looking up at his ceiling as he coughed out the smoke to it.

"Easy." Dave muttered as Kurt lowered his head. Handing Dave the bong. Then just like that, they took turns. Passing the bong back and forward. Taking multiple hits.

Both of the males eyes had a red hue to them. Kurt sets the colored bong onto his nightstand.

The men laid onto their backs. Staring up at the ceiling.

"Mm, feel it?" Dave muttered. Kurt nodded. "Yeaah, I feel it." They suddenly broke out onto a soft laughter.

Kurt rolled over onto his side. Facing Dave. Dave hummed as his stoned chestnut eyes looked over.

Kurt bit his lip as he goofy grin rises to his face. "What?" Dave asked softly. Kurt shifted himself closer. His blue gaze stoned.

"Mm, hold me Davey. I'm in the clouds." Kurt laughed as Dave takes off his shirt. He opened his arms. "Come in for the landingggg." He joked, which caused both of them to laugh.

Kurt laid his head onto Dave's chest as the drummer wrapped his arms around him. It is a soft embrace.

Kurt's cerulean eyes gaze up at Dave. Dave looked down at the young adult in his arms.

Gazing into each other's stoner eyes. Love also reflected into them. Dave leaned in and kissed Kurt's cheek.

"What was that for..?" Kurt muttered as he looked around mindlessly for a moment. His whole body relaxed. Dave's body was relaxed as well from the drug that they induced.

"Mm.. just felt like it was worth doing." Dave replied. Kurt lifted his head and returned the kiss. Kissing Dave's cheek.

Dave felt himself blushed. Kurt laid his head back onto the brunets bare chest.

Drummers fingers slowly went up and started to play with his frontman's blond locks. They are soft to the touch. He didn't care about the grease, as long as it was Kurt, that's all that mattered.

"You know.." Kurt began as he enjoyed the touch to his head. It was rare. Usually, Cobain would shove this type of contact away.

But not with Dave, he was.. in love with the drummer so much he didn't want it to end.

"..I think about these moments. And I think, I'm lucky." Kurt continued as Dave gently scratched the blonds scalp.

A small hum in satisfaction left Kurt's lips. "Lucky?" Dave asked as he can feel his high slowly declining. He knew Kurt's high was doing the exact same.

".. Yeah, being this close. I've never been this close with anyone before. I love it. It's..comforting." Kurt explained as he lifted his cerulean gaze. Staring into Dave's brown stoned eyes.

Dave stared lovingly into his crushes eyes. "Well, it's comforting for me too. I'm glad I can make you feel comfortable around me."

Kurt lifted his head and shyly, he pecked Dave's lips. Before panicking, he laid his head back down onto Dave's chest.

Shutting his eyes, hoping he can fall asleep. His face burned a beet red. Dave used his finger tips to touch his own lips. His face heated up.

Biting his lip, he leaned his head down and whispered.

"I'm not mad at you. It's okay, Kurt."

But he only heard soft breathing and snores in response. Kurt actually fell asleep. The marijuana made him crash.

Dave laughed softly. He kissed Kurt's head and switched off the lamp. Holding the sleeping blonde in his arms.

"Cute." He muttered.

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