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They pulled away from the embrace. Looking up at each other with hushed love.

Dave lightly bit his lip as he watched a smile rises across Kurt's face. This increased Dave's heartbeat.

His smile is so handsomely beautiful. Adoration fluttered in his stomach with butterflies as he wrapped an arm around Kurt.

Kurt hummed as he pecked his friend's cheek. "Let's go outside, today." He muttered as the two left the bathroom.

The guitarist cheeks were slightly tearstained, but other than that. – He was okay now.

With Dave, he has felt the safest he's ever been. He adored Dave's smile and facial features.

"Sure, we can head outside for the day. Any specific place you would like to go?" Dave asked as they went down the stairs.

Kurt was slipping on his converse while Dave was putting on his black leather jacket.

The blonde pulled down his striped sleeves as he stands up once he was finished tying up the laces of his sneakers.

Dave has already his shoes on as the two walk to the door. "Oh fuck, let me get a pack of cigarettes real quick. There upstairs." Kurt suddenly spoke as he quickly vanished up the stairs.

Dave sighed happily as he waited at the door. Lightly drumming his fingers on the door knob.

The blonde came back with the pack of Winston's and a lighter. He shoved them into his jeans back pocket.

"Got it. Let's go. Just to the bridge." He muttered as Dave opened the door. The two walked outside.

Feeling the cold air hit there faces. Kurt shuts his eyes for a moment. The wind started to blow in his air.

Dave observed this. Looking at the blond intensely with love. He knew it now. He didn't want to hide his feelings anymore.

He was so deep in love with the blond headed rockstar.

Kurt opened his eyes and turned his head. "What? Let's go!" He went over and grabbed onto Dave's hand.

Dave felt his heart melt happily as Kurt tugged him along. They both started to run as the wind blow in their hair.

Dave watched Kurt's hair sway in the wind. It was enticingly beautiful.
A small smile rested on both of the males faces.

They reached the little creek that was beside the bridge. Softly panting their lips as they take a seat on two stones that were large enough.

Kurt brought some water up with his hands. He cupped it in his palms, and jokingly tossed it at Dave.

Dave scoffed and reached his hand into the cold water. Hissing quietly at the sensation as he splashed Kurt.

Both of them laughed together before wiping their hands on their jeans. Blue eyes clashed against brown. Boring into them.

They subconsciously leaned in close. Their foreheads lightly pressed against each other.

Suddenly, Dave moved his head back. Feeling nervous as he stuttered out. "O-oh, I'm sorry. Too...too, close." Kurt felt himself blush as he looked at the stones that littered on the shore.

Picking a few up, he started tossing them in the water.

"Close, but not close enough." Kurt accidentally slipped out. Suddenly Dave sharply turned his head to look at the blond.

Kurt laughed nervously as he tossed another stone.

"Forget I said..that." He muttered shyly.

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