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Snapping out the sudden trance. His face was warm. He sighed softly as he focused on preparing the sandwiches.

Adding the meat and cheese onto the pieces of bread. He gently placed them together. He cuts it in half into a tiny triangle. Two sandwiches.

Kurt chose a horror film from the stack of VCR tapes that were in the corner of the living room. He slipped it into the VCR player and pressed rewind.

Dave entered into the living room with a plate of two sandwiches. He sets it down on the coffee table."Let me go get a blanket for us."

Kurt turned his head. "Us?" Dave nodded his head. "Yeah, you dork. We can share it. I'll grab it from my bed."

"Oh, okay." His raspy voice muttered. Feeling himself get red in the face. Dave chuckled softly as he walked over.

He planted a kiss onto Kurt's cheek. They are comfortable with the kisses. Just Dave always wondered...

What would it be like to kiss Kurt's, lips?

Dave felt his face heat up at the thought. Kurt felt his face heat up as well from the sudden affectionate kiss.

' Probably one just in return. ' Kurt thought as he watched Dave trotted himself back up the stairs to fetch the blanket for the two of them.

Kurt switched off the lamp. The blue glow of the television allured as he pressed play. It was at the beginning.

He paused the film as Dave returned with the blanket in his hands. Folded neatly.

"You can press play." Dave muttered as he laid the blanket across the couch for the two of them.

Kurt nodded his head as his calloused finger clicked the play button. The horror film started up again as Kurt walked over to the couch.

"Come here." Dave whispered as he picked up the plate of sandwiches. Kurt walked himself over and sat on the couch with Dave.

The blanket draped over the two of them. "Here." Dave spoke quietly as he handed Kurt his sandwich peice.

Grasping it softly with his hand, Kurt takes it. He lightly sinked his teeth into the meal and smiled. Happily eating the sandwich.

Dave mimicked the action, eating his own sandwich peices. "This is good." Kurt muttered as he continued to eat.


They both turned their heads away from the television and smiled at each other. The light glow of the tv light shining on their faces.

Turning their attention back to the film. They ate their sandwiches quietly and watched the horror film.

Halfway through it. Kurt felt himself get a little scared. He scooted himself closer to Dave. The now empty plate resting on the coffee table.

Dave wrapped his arm around Kurt as he teasingly whispered in the blondes ear. "Scared?" Kurt pouted his lips as he lightly shoved Dave back playfully.

"No!" He snapped slightly and then laughed softly. Dave started to laugh along. Suddenly a jumpscare played on the television which caused Kurt to yelp.

He yelped and held onto Dave. Almost on the brunets lap. His hands lightly grasping Dave's white colored shirt. Blue eyes slightly glossed and widened.

Dave laughed as he leaned his head down. Resting it on top of Kurt's head. Holding the frightened blonde close.

"And you're the one who picked this film out." He teased. Kurt huffed as he pulled himself back. Shifting a bit as he snuggled with the blanket on himself.

Feeling cozy by his cardigan, Dave's warmth, and the blanket.

"Shush, haven't seen this one." He muttered in reply as his head slowly laid itself onto Dave's shoulder.

Dave hummed as he wrapped his arm back around the smaller blonde headed male. "Well, I can see that."

A soft hum escaped out of Kurt as he nodded in his sheepishness. "It's pretty good, gorey." He reviewed as he clicked his tongue softly.

"Mm, you're right." Dave replied as he eyed down at the blond. Seeing how close they were. A smile rises to Dave's face as he turned his attention back to the film.

Feeling comfortable holding the blonde close to him.

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