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Movie has officially came to it's complete close. Hardly the males paid attention, they were too busy with their romantic moment that they shared.

Credits rolled across the screen. Dave grunted as he shifted his gaze towards the blonde. Noticing Kurt has fallen asleep on him.

"Baby." Dave whispered as he shifted a bit. Kurt's eyebrows furrowed together as he grumbled sleepily.

"Kurt, baby." Dave tried again, lightly shaking his boyfriend now. Kurt's blue eyes fluttered sleepily open.

"What, Dave..?" He croaked out tiredly. "I have to switch the television off."

Kurt pouted. "I'll be cold." He whined. This caused Dave to chuckle softly. "I'll be right back."

Dave shifted himself out of bed. Kurt whined as he slightly sat up. His hair was a complete bed head.

Greasy blond locks going every which way. Kurt yawned as he rubbed his eyes. Dave walks over and shuts off the VCR player, along with the boxed television.

Then, the taller walked himself over. Shirtlessly crawling into the warm blankets once again.

He shuddered as Kurt scooted himself over. "You cold, Dave?" He whispered. Dave nodded his head. "Fucking freezing, come warm me up baby."

Kurt laughed softly as he laid his head back onto Dave's chest. Dave sighed in relaxation. "Mm, you're warm." He complimented and pecked Kurt's blond head.

Kurt looked up at Dave and sheepishly grinned. "You're welcome." He sarcastically replied which caused Dave to laugh.

Kurt softly laughed along. Using his pointer finger, he gently drew shapes with his finger tip onto Dave's chest. His head still laying on it as well.

Both of them laying together. They enjoyed this. Officially becoming a couple was the best way to go for them.

They didn't care what their fans would think. Or what homophobes would say. Or how it could spread all over magazines and news broadcasts.

Because they truly love each other, and support the community that they're in.

"So pretty." Dave complimented again, completely out of the blue. Kurt whined in embarrassment as he slowly stopped his finger.

Now, he laid his hand flat onto Dave's chest. Rubbing it slightly as he huffed. "So sweet, you're sick." Kurt complained which caused Dave to chuckle.

"Sick with love fever, then sure." He teased, which caused Kurt to roll his eyes.

"Then, I must be ill too." Kurt teasingly replied. Lifting his head and kissing Dave's cheek.

He lowered his voice as he whispered onto Dave's lips. "And you're the one who infected me."

He gently pressed his lips onto Dave's. Dave returned the gentle kiss as Kurt pulled back.

Both of them jokingly brushed their noses together. Soft laughter escaping out of their lips.

"Fuck, you're adorable." Dave complimented again as he pulled back. Keeping his arms around Kurt.

Kurt tangled his legs in between with Dave's. Dave felt his face flush red.
Kurt giggled as he shakes his head.

"Nah, you're the cutest." He replied which caused Dave to roll his brown eyes. "No, you are." He argued back.

Kurt pouted slightly as Dave rubbed the man's back. "Cute in dresses, cute smile, cute eyes, cute style..cute lips, cute–"

"Okay! Okay!" Kurt screeched out in embarrassment as he hid his face back into Dave's chest.

Dave chuckled softly as he kissed Kurt's head.

"Get some sleep baby, I want to take you out to the creek again tomorrow." He muttered.

Kurt nodded his head as the sleepiness immediately kicked back in.

Dave felt the sudden exhaustion as well. Both of them holding eachother.
Kurt shifted his head. Turning it so it can face Dave. Blonde locks across Dave's chest once again.

The drummer leaned his head back onto the pillows. Exhaling slowly as he yawned.

"Oh, by the way.. Krist is coming back on Sunday." Dave sleepily informed as Kurt nodded his head in understandable hearing.

"Okay." Kurt whispered as his eyes slowly came to a shut. Dave hummed softly as he kissed Kurt's head.

"Goodnight baby, Davey loves you."

Kurt immediately fell asleep after hearing those heart swelling fluttering words.

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