Art Wall

252 7 0

Request; no
Who; Mikey (and the rest of the turtles later)
Type; fluff I guess?
Summary; there's a portion of the sewers that Mikey goes to alone, that his brothers had no idea about. The others noticed Mikey's leaving, and decided to follow him one night to see where he goes.

Warnings; none?


Mikey smiled, as he grabbed his mouth gas mask and put it on, and he picked up his duffle bag and skateboard. Tucking his skateboard under his arm and the bag being over his opposite shoulder, he peeked his head out of his door, looking around quickly. Coast is clear. It was 2 am, and Mikey was more inspired than ever. He quietly snuck out of the lair, with a smile plastered on his face that was covered by the mask.

Was it a bit risky to be sneaking out for the 4th time for just today? Yeah, it was. But he's spent an entire day there before, it should be fine. Mikey doesnt think they've noticed his disappearances yet, anyway, so all should be fine. The mutant held back a giggle as excitement overflowed his system - his hands were stimming slightly as he swiftly left. He took the first left turn, softly humming to himself to stop the silence.

He was never one to like silence, anyway.

He took a right turn, then an immediate left. He went straight for a while, hearing his footsteps echo through the sewers walls. Would it be easier to skate there? Yes. Yes it would. But the walk was always nice. As the boy walked and hummed, he could also pick out the sound of the contents of his bag bang against each other, making muffled and quiet 'clack' sounds. Mikey quiety sang along to the music that played in his head, as he started fidgeting with his hands.

(A/N, random hc, Mikey loves Steven Universe)

"If I could, begin to be.." His voice echoed through the sewers, quietly but not silently. He smiled as he hopped over a puddle.

"Half of what you think of me," Mikey took another turn, "I could do about anything.. I could even learn how to- WOAH A WEIRD BOX!"

The turtle felt his face glow, as he bent down and picked up a robotic cube. Looked to be important, or useful to Donnie, so he decided he'd bring it home later. Michaelangelo put it in an extra pocket on his duffle bag, and kept walking, looking around.

He was almost there.

He started running.

Mikey was smiling widely under the gas mask, his eyes full of excitement as he ran to his second home. Turns and long pathways, there wasnt an area Mikey hadn't explored. The youngest hopped over a small fence, his feet lightly hitting the ground, as he slowed to a light jog, before he inevitably slowed to a full stop. He was there.


He kneeled down and placed his skateboard and duffle bag down and unzipped it, all of the spray-paint cans now in perfect view. The male picked up a bright orange, standing up, and he looked at the walls. A lot of it was already covered in his graffiti, and hes expanding his area more and more. He was at the end segment of where his art had started thinning out, so he could keep adding more and more. If you were to keep walking, theres not a single spot that isnt covered in bright neon colors and chaotic designs that didnt but did make sense at the same time; the art all flowed through the sewers and danced with itself, wrapping around every corner as it split into so many different aspects of what it started as.

Mikey smiled, as he shook the can, and aimed it at the extra space on the sewers wall. He started with a circle, and added another circle that overlapped. He filled them in, the bright neon orange covering the dull grey. He switched cans once both circles were filed in, and this time he grabbed a rusty brown. He outlined the circles, making sure to complete one to make it looked like it was in front of the other. He was basically painting his knee-pads. With the same rusty brown, he sprayed 2 x's for eyes in one of the circles, followed by a horizontal zig-zag for a mouth.

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