
240 7 1

Request; Yes, mgmendez2305
Who; Leosagi
Type; fluff!
Summary; they both have a sleepover together, and Leo had asked Usagi what it's like to kiss. Usagi admits he isn't sure, hes never experienced it, into which Leo admits the same. Usagi asks if they could try

I shortened it/changed the wording but its the same concept /info

Warnings; cringe /j
Well /hj because Im making the decion to write this awkwardly <3 I also don't know how to write romance well-


It had just hit 2 in the morning, and the boys were giggling to themselves like kids in candy stores. They were playing 2 truths and 1 lie, except using ideas off of the internet. It was so funny to them, using the internet, because it always had some stupid photo or ridiculous wording, and they just had to read them in such stupid voices.

Their laughter died down a tad bit, and Usagi encouraged Leo to read his versions of the ones he had found.

"Okay okay- uhh, I dont know how to pick pocket, I've never seen a raccoon in real life, and I once told an 'authority figure' off." Leo's voice becaming teasing and mimicking at 'authority figure' and stuck his tongue out in mockery. Usagi stiffled a laugh and covered his mouth with his hands, muttering through laughs about how that was such a stupid voice.

"Oh come on thats easy- you've had to have seen a raccoon before. You live in New York!"

"Wrong! Ive never seen a raccoon in person before!"

Usagi's jaw dropped in disbelief, as his eyebrows furrowed lightly, and his eyes were lightly gazing with shock. He laughed for a moment, before shaking his head. A part of him was still refusing to believe that Leo, a guy that was born and raised in New York City, has never seen a raccoon in person.

"Like genuinely??"


"How? You live in the city, how have you never seen a raccoon?"

"I have no idea. Ive seen photos of raccoons but Im not lucky enough to see one for myself. Like a moose."

Usagi snorted and covered his mouth, laughing at the others tone when he made the comparison. Leo started laughing purely because the yokai was. His laugh was just contagious.

"Oh my god- wait so what was the lie?"

"I know how to pick pocket."

"Wait actually? I thought Mikey was the only one out of you four that knew how."

"Who do you think taught him?"

"That's fair."

The room fell silent for a little bit, as Usagi scrolled through the prompts on his phone and thought about which one he would say. Leo just rocked back and forth slightly as he hummed to some random song tune, looking at Usagi for a little then looking away. Usagi laughed at a photo that was on the website and showed the other, which just caused him to break out laughing as well. Usagi look for a few moments more before picking his three.

"Alright lets see, I cant stand venison, sushi is one of my favorite meals, and Ive never had my first kiss."

Leonardo rolled his eyes in a joking manner, and laughed a small bit.

"Oh come on, you've totally had a first kiss. Thats the lie."

Before Usagi could speak, the red-eared slider mumbled something. The rabbit yokai slightly tilted his head in confusion, as his eyes fixtated on the others face.


"What's it like..?"

Usagi paused for a moment, before a shy, and embarrassed smile tugged on his lips. He looked to the side and let out a light, awkward chuckle.

"The lie was that I cant stand venison. Venison is my all time favorite meat."

The blue banded mutant looked to the other, confusion spread all over his face. Leo stuttered, trying to form a sentence in the midst of blankness. He started a sentence before stopping and trying to form another one. He huffed at himself before looking at Usagi for confirmation that he was serious. The other hadnt met his eyes, but knew that they were on him. He just nodded silently.

"No way.. I- that is so hard to believe."

"How so?" As Usagi spoke, he looked back over to Leo, whose expression matched his disbelief tone.

"Well- you- hm. You just- have you seen you? Have you met you? How has nobody kissed you yet?"

Usagi just shrugged.

"I dont know. But you seem experienced, who was yours?"

"My first kiss?"


Leo fell silent. After a moment, it clicked, and Usagi chuckled a small bit. Leo's face flushed and shush the other, swatting his hands dramatically and keeping his gaze locked on his lap.

"You haven't had yours, either." Usagi stated, the smile clear in his voice. Leo just shook his head silently the looked to the side, mumbling incoherent sentences that only fell to deaf ears. The yokai looked down to the sheets, fidgeting with the hem of the blanket below him. He muttered under his breath, his nose twitching as he did so, but his words were heard by Leo nonetheless.

"Could we possibly try?"

"If.. if youre comfortable at the very least.."

Usagi snapped his head over so quickly that he gave himself mild whiplash. They looked at each other carefully, and Leonardo scootched forward a bit to get closer - but hadn't done anything that second. The mutants expression was mixing with concentration as a tad bit of concern, as his hands slowly rose and cupped the side of Usagi's face. Though, when Leos hand made contact he flinched back slightly, but replaced his hand pretty quickly after.

They leaned in and tilted their heads ever so slightly to not bump heads. And then they connected. This.. wasn't like the movies. There was no fireworks, there was no light that shone, nothing like that. It was a relatively quick kiss, thier lips were only connected for a few seconds before they parted and backed their faces away from each other. They just stared at each other quietly for a moment, stupid smiles tugged on both of their mouths. Quiet and breathy laughed emitted in the air, surrounding the two in a comforting yet tense aura. Usagis hand covered his smile as more quiet giggles esacaped from his throat.

"Can we do that again?" Leo blurted out without thinking twice about it. And almost immediately, they kissed again. This one lasted a few seconds longer, and they started laughing a bit louder than before. They eventually just covered their red faces, burying themselves in their own limbs. The dorks couldn't keep their composure, giggling in euphoria and gayness.

Hopefully they werent too loud, if they woke up the others they would not know how to explain themselves for the life of them.


1137 words

Sorry this took so long LMAO motivation plummeted. But thank you for the request.

I have 3 completed drafts for when I cant write, I do try to get requests done and uploaded before I have to resort to that though. So if anything, if I cant write due to whatever reasons, there will still be chapters. If there is a request, pardon if it takes some time though.

Thank you for reading <3

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