Battle Banter Gone Gay (real not clickbait)

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Request; no
Who; Leosagi (yes again I have so many ideas)
Type; ...idk- not sad, just hate fueled flirting
Summary; Leo was always one for mid battle banter. It was practically a part of him. It wasnt until he snuck out and got into conflict with single handedly the cutest yokai known to man. He cant help but flirt, and to his surprise, the stranger seems to play into it

Warnings; gayness /j


Leo was wondering the hidden city, listening to Queen in his own head. It was late, like, incredibly late. 2:37 in the morning to be exact. And of course, he had snuck out - nobody knows he left or where he went. Its not like it was for a bad reason, he just needed some fresh air, and he didn't want to have to be cautious about walking around. In the hidden city, he didnt have to worry about being seen. He could walk until his legs gave out if he wanted.

See, now in hindsight,he should have taken his sword. Always take a weapon, just incase. But he didnt bother because 'nothing would happen.'

Yeah thats not how that went.

He kept walking, but froze in place as a yokai ran across the street, out of a shop, clutching a bag that was slung over his shoulder. The shop owner started chasing after the apparent robber, but seemed to have a leg injury and couldnt do much but yell. Well, Leo couldn't pass up a good chase.

So naturally, he followed after the yokai.

The mystery folk had a cloak on, with the hood up to hide any evidence of their identity. Leo followed from rooftops, keeping his presence hidden from the other's awareness. He stayed close, and realized the robber was slowing down until he fully stopped in an alley. Leo cautiously slid down the building, and hid behind a dumpster near the other. He peaked around and saw the yokai take off their cloak, discarding it inti a bin in the alley.

A rabbit yokai. The outfit choice was traditional seeming, (no idea what its called pls dont sue me) with his ears tied back. He knelt down and rummaged through the bag, giving Leo time to examine the other. White fur that looked so incredibly soft, the blue and black wardrobe colouration contradicting the light of the fur. His eye colour was hard to tell, but they seemed to be a deep red. The yokai's nose twitched as he mumbled to himself. Leo found himself mumbling, too.

"Woah that guy is handsome..."

The rabbits ear twitched and he froze in place and snapped his head over. Leo moved back fully behind the cover of the dumpster, his heart pounded in his chest as he held his breath. Well shit, he wasn't supposed to be heard.

He started thinking, he needed to get out of this and fast. He couldn't ponder long, though, as a swords tip was suddenly under his chin, and lifted his head, pulling his gaze along. Leonardo shifted slightly in his crouched position as his eyes locked with the rabbits. The corners of Leos mouth twitched ever so slightly, as he watched the others gaze sharpen as if they turned into daggers. The yokai's nose twitched ever so slightly, and there was a moment where time seemed to stop. Neither moved. Neither spoke. Neither broke gaze.

Leo felt his heart pound in his chest and his face warm up as he stayed deathly silent. His breath was slightly shakey, but whether that'd be from adreniline or shock, no one knows. His heart seemed to pound faster when the yokai spoke up.

"Who are you and what do you want."

"I'm- Leo. Leonardo."

"Answer my second question."

"How about you give me your name first loverboy." Leo spoke without thinking, a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes narrowed as his mind was racing with a million different alternatives to 'why did I say that?' He honestly hadn't meant to, he thought it'd be funny but it honest to the gods isn't the time. And unfortunately, he hadn't realized that until after it flew out of his mouth without a second thought. This sentence, though, evidently caused the other to be taken a back. Despite it not being too obvious, the micro changes made it clear, like his eyes slightly narrowing, his nose twitching, his lips barely parting, and how the sword moved ever-so-slightly against the bottom of Leo's chin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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