
227 7 1

Request; no
Who; Donnie, kinda Leo, mentions of Raph
Type; hurt/no comfort
Summary; After the fight, Donnie had to fix the bugs he had on all his brothers. It went smoothly for the most part, until he got to his twins. It glitched out, and played some of its recordings from the latest events. It didnt take much for Donnie to break.

Warnings; desc of fighting, bones snapping, blood, tears, violence, yelling, wounds, brief mention of suicidal ideation- a lot. Basically, movie spoilers.

Based off of this tiktok, all credit goes to them


Donnie was fixing the communicator bugs from his brothers. He took out and replaced the interior wires, heat sealed and compressed them, reconstructing the exterior, and essentially giving them a brand new set up. It went relatively well, Raph's went by quickly and easily. Mikey's was a little bit more difficult, he had to grab an entirely new casing for the exterior as the old one was cracked all the way down the center, and one of the wires was sliced open so that had to be redone- but overall it got done easily enough.

Then his twins.

He popped open the casing, and carefully took out the recording drive, so he could get to the wiring. He placed it down on the table, turned and his hands moved with his eyes back to the broken down bug.

The sound of static suddenly ringing out scared the turtle, making him jump and look over at the recording device. He looked at the chip as it lightly glowed, flickering every now and then, lining up with the dips in sound. Why had it started playing? He knew it could play the audio but youd have to hook it up with another device, it shouldn't be playing audio without it- let alone while its currently taken apart on a table.

He heard something hit a surface roughly, like water splatting on a kitchen floor. The dripping was spaced out after the initial splatting. It was almost deathly silent aside from the ominous dripping of... whatever it was. Don didn't want to dwell on conspiracies at this given moment. Deep down he had an idea of what, what he didn't want to find out that he's right.

He heard staggared breathing and hitches in a breath. Donnie stared at the device, frozen in place, wanting to turn it off and not listen anymore; but curiosity kept him frozen in place, and didnt allow him to do anything but listen. He heard a few solid objects clatter to the ground, like it was being chipped off slowly.


Leo's voice scared Donnie. Leo sounded.. scared. And confused and taken aback and just.. hurt.

Donatello heard his oldest brother grunt, straining himself and heard something clasp onto presumably Leo. He heard the small hitch in his twins breath out of shock, he assumed. He heard Raph choke on a cry. He could almost see his facial expression, just with how descriptive the audio had been. Every shakey breath, every strain in his voice, the fact he hasn't said a word, the sniffs. He could tell that Rapheal was teared up, dancing on the line of breaking down.

Then he heard air being released, as he heard something else close around Leo's being.

"Wait- Raph- no- RAPH!! RAPH, NO!!! RAPH!!!!"

Leo's voice broke, as he heard banging on a window. The escape pod.. of course.. Donnie didn't realize it yet, but he was shaking horribly. He was fozen in place- his mind screamed and screamed to break it, to find a way to shut it off. But he couldn't move. He face was hot as his eyes lightly burned with the tears that were forming in his eyes.

And just before he was going to break a bit, it went back to static.

He took a breath.

And then the static turned off again, as Leo's voice came through once again.

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