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Oh, who is she?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Daella and Mycelli were being guided down the dark corridors of the Red Keep, Prince Aemond walking in front of them and Lord Tully and Simon Stong closing the ranks. Dickon and Mathis had retreated as soon as they had reached the gates of Kingslanding, something Daella was grateful for, because every time she caught sight of the two brothers, the urge to bury her fingers in their eyes grew greater. Not that she found the rest of the group much better company.

They entered Maegor's Holdfast and knowingly, Aemond threw open the doors to one of the apartments. Daella straightened her spine as she caught sight of the people inside, immediately recognizing them as her mother's side of the family. The Queen was sitting on one of the luxurious chairs, apparently deep in conversation with her white-haired daughter while her son was staring out of the window with an expression of utter boredom plastered on his face, a cup in his hand. As soon as the party entered, the Queen looked up, a curious expression on her face.

"Mother, brother, sister," Aemond greeted his family, giving each of them a nod. There was a triumphant expression on his face, his entire body posture one full of gloating. "I would like to introduce you to the lost heir, Princess Daella Targaryen, daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen."

Both Daella and Mycelli were pushed forward and the contrast between the two girls couldn't be greater. Though Mycelli might be wearing the prettiest dress and have the Targaryen white hair, she was slumping with her shoulders in an attempt to make herself as small as possible as she curtsied for the Queen. Daella was still wearing her ushanka even though the climate at Kingslanding was much hotter and made no attempt to remove it. She remained still as a statue as the Queen regarded her, clenching her jaws and staring right back.

"You bow for the Queen, you insolent whore!" Simon Strong hissed and she could feel him kick her in the knees.

Daella ground her teeth as she tried to break her fall as gracefully as possible, adding this to the growing list of reasons to hate Simon Strong. It was not necessary, however, for the Queen caught her before she could go down and statically helped her back upright. It was only then that Daella inclined her head ever so slightly in a show of respect.

The Queen grabbed Daella's jaw, her grip stern but gently and her fingers icy cold as she turned Daella's face at a particular angle. Feeling the light streaming from the windows hit her eyes, Daella resisted the urge to squeeze them shut. Instead, she suffered the handling in silence, watching as the Queen grabbed a strand of her hair and scratched her nails along its length until just the slightest bit of dye gave way to her naturally white hair. The smallest of smiles came to the Queen's face as she took a step back, her eyes merely passing past Mycelli as she let out a soft hum.

BOOK OF FACES ∿  AEMOND TARGARYENWhere stories live. Discover now