T H I R T Y - S I X

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T H I R T Y - S I X

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T H I R T Y - S I X

Your kisses burn into my skin
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Daella let out a nervous sigh as she entered the chambers she would spend most of, if not all her nights from now on and immediately she pulled the dragon necklace from her neck. The metal felt hot in her hands and for a moment she eyed the little details, such as the reflection of the many single scales, before she placed it on the table again, looking over her shoulder with a small forced smile.

"The laws degree that at least one of the Maesters should remain here until the marriage is consummated, my King," Grand Maester Kas stated, inclining his head ever so slightly. It was evident that the old man was looking forward to staying just as much as Aemond was, which was to say neither of them was. "It is only to prevent... ah, difficult circumstances later in time."

"You and the rest of court shall see the product of this union soon enough, Grand Maester," Aemond said harshly, his hand already on the heavy wooden door. Though subtly spoken, his words brought a furious blush to Daella's cheeks and she placed the back of her cold hands against her skin with the hopes of cooling them. "I trust that it will be enough proof for the legitimacy of this marriage."

Aemond pushed the door close in a gesture that showed no mercy, causing the old Grand Maester to stagger back and despite the nervous fluttering in her stomach, Daella let out a loud chuckle, hiding her smile behind her hand. Her laughter seemed to earn her the instant attention of Aemond, whose eye flickered in her direction and the muscles in his face softened visibly.

"That reminds me," Daella stated, another burst of giggles already burning in her throat. She walked in the direction of Aemond's window and leaned against the cool glass, feeling funny from the way Aemond's gaze seemed to follow her. "Months ago, when ser Cole worked me to the ground and the Maesters had to treat my head and shoulder, the Grand Maester requested me to ask you if you perhaps would be so kind to show more respect to your elders."

Aemond let out a loud snort and rolled his eye as he walked in the direction of the corner of the apartment. "I find it rather funny that he refers to himself as an elder when the word skeleton would be more appropriate," he said, placing two golden cups an equal distance away from each other on a small table. He poured them two cups of wine from a carafe without spilling a drop, a task Daella was absolutely certain of she could not have successfully completed.

"Aemond," she said lowly, the tone of her voice chastising. Still, there was no denying the growing grin on her face and she followed Aemond's figure as he crossed the room in her direction, offering her one of the cups. She accepted it with a little curtsy. "Thank you, husband."

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