Hunter x Reader

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Everything hurt as I pulled myself up further. At this point I was too high up to back off now. I didn't even dare look down at the ground far below. What was really surprising, other than the fact I had managed to drag myself up here with my injuries, was the lack of alarm. How has no one spotted me yet? I considered myself lucky but it was almost worrisome how easy it was to sneak into this part of the emperor's castle.

The familiar window came into view, a breath of relief escaping my lips. Another throb of pain pulsed through my muscles. I fought back the urge to cough, not wanting to push my luck and get caught when I'm so close.

My hand reached for the window sill with an incredulous chuckle that the glass was wide open. Sliding my body over the slippery stone, I pulled my chest onto the ledge. In the fraction of a second I felt my soul leave my body as my foot slipped. I let out a muffled yelp, anxiously gripping the window frame. My body was slipping as my pain only grew.

My hands slowly lost purchase and right as I felt myself lean back there was a firm grip on my arms. The person yanked me up and into the room with one strong heave. Without balance, we landed in a pile of panting breaths and sweaty limbs.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I didn't bother lifting my head as exhaustion flooded all of my senses. I knew I was safe here, well, at least safe with him. Hunter gently pulled himself away from me, shocked anger flitting across his expression. I could only give him a tired half smile.

"Funnily enough, I wasn't," I rasped out. He huffed out a sigh, his iconic messy strand of hair shifting across his forehead. It was in an instant upon his second inspection of me his orchid eyes grew concerned. He knelt by my pained body, his hand hesitating to land anywhere.

"What happened to you?" he whispered hoarsely. A sad laugh wheezed through the dryness of my throat. He could easily see the bruises littering my arms like polka dotted patterns. Here and there small cuts bled and left stinging imprints that made me want to tear something apart, probably myself for being stupid enough to get caught.

"I'll be fine now but if I stayed anywhere else they would've found me and I wouldn't have the energy to fight my way out." I winced as Hunter grabbed my arm firmly to pull me to my feet. A small part of me panicked that he was going to kick me out to fend for myself but my panic quickly turned to guilt as he sat me down on his bed. All of the times he's taken care of me and I still doubt him, it was a survival instinct I sadly couldn't seem to turn off.

I kept my eyes trained to my lap even as Hunter briskly walked around in a frenzy, grabbing various amounts of things from drawers and shelves. He knelt in front of me making me jump as his hands grabbed my shirt. He paused, a blush dusting his face.

"Uh, it's just to get to the bruises on your back and chest," he nervously mumbled. I was too tired to complain as I half nodded, letting him pull my shirt off. He let out a gasp before attempting to stifle it with a nervous smile. "It's not too bad...just don't look." I laughed painfully at his panic. I already knew it was bad, I could feel every stab of pain for myself.

"You don't have to do this Hunter. I can patch myself up and leave," I offered, my hands reaching for the ointments by my side. The medicine was swiped out from under my reach, Hunter giving me an offended look.

"You can't leave like this! I'm going to put this stuff on your wounds and then you're staying here for the night," he commanded before turning sheepish with a light blush along his face. "Unless you want to leave because I won't stop you but I don't want anything to happen to you either." Shaking my head in amusement, I rested my hands behind me, leaning back to a more comfortable position.

"Thank you. I trust you with my life Hunter, you've been nothing but kind to me," I whispered, a bit flustered with the truth of it all. Even when I panicked and doubted him, deep down I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Hunter gave me a sheepish nod, his hands slightly fumbling with the lids of the medicine.

Once he propped one open, I allowed his hands to press against my skin softly. His movements were slow and purposeful with a hint of nervousness, bandages being shakily wrapped around my arms. I winced when he reached my chest, his actions pausing for a moment before continuing slightly softer. When he finished I was ready to crash and sleep for days. A yawn stretched my mouth, my eyes watering with the force.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll set up a spot on the floor," Hunter offered with a small smile as he wiped off his hands from the ointment. Even through my exhaustion I wasn't going to allow that. I shook my head sleepily, his stare shifting to a more nervous look. "It's fine, I have some extra blankets and—".

"Can't we just sleep in the same bed?" I questioned with another yawn. Hunter's face exploded in a crimson hue, his hands fidgeting in front of him. "Is it that much of a problem? I can move to the floor, I don't mind."

The golden guard let out a sigh, his tense shoulders relaxing slightly. He seemed to come to a decision as he walked to me, gently urging me to lay back. I willingly relaxed to his touch as my back hit the mattress. Curling onto my side, I didn't even think twice about the blanket that was pulled over my newly bandaged body.

The care and slight affection provided to me made me feel safe in a way that I haven't felt in a long time. My eyes opened slightly to peer at Hunter. Was he always this cute? "Thanks golden boy," I whispered. He laughed quietly at the nickname before leaning in to place a chaste kiss atop my head.

He left from my sight as my eyelids closed, ready for sleep to take me away. There was a dip in the bed beside me, making me feel even more secure knowing he was there. "Goodnight danger boy."

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