Steve x Reader

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I sulked through the streets, not exactly sure where I was going but knew it had to be far away from where I was.  I was tired of being taken advantage of just to be thrown away over and over again.  It wasn't fair and I've done nothing in life to deserve this.  I made sure to give all my love to others, to be a model citizen and excellent friend as well as lover.  I gave everything to everyone I admired only to receive bare minimum in return. 
Anger and frustration chased away the sadness but it wouldn't take long for the tears to flow.  Was this my destiny?  Just an endless list of fakes and liars decorated with my heartbreak.  My arms crossed over my chest to battle the cold.  I should've grabbed my jacket.  Goosebumps traveled up my bare arms, the heat of my anger not strong enough to warm me. 
The streets were nearly empty, only a select few of the crazy or unfortunate enough to stay out this late.  The rumble of an engine came up behind me, my irritation flaring as I walked to the side to allow them to pass.  The noise cut out, alarm causing me to turn around to make sure I wasn't mugged by some creep. 
"Are you alright?  You look cold," the person asked, genuine concern laced in his voice.  I recognized the guy as I took in the sight of his dark hair, icy eyes and ivory horn.  My anger dwindled momentarily in the presence of an old friend. 
"Steve?  I can't even begin to explain how happy I am to see you," I sighed in relief.  He glanced over me and my frustrated chilled state.  A concerned look pulled his mouth into a frown so I tried to give him a smile to reassure him I was fine, even if I wasn't.  He rummaged in his side car, retrieving a cloak that he then tossed to me. 
"You look like you need a ride," he offered with a soft grin.  I nodded in gratitude as I walked around his skull bike, throwing the cloak over me and feeling instantly warmer.  He offered a hand to help me on which I took, straddling the seat and wrapping my arms around Steve's torso.  He gave a quick pat on my hand before revving the engine of the bike and setting off. 
My sour mood lifted at the feel of the cold air against my face.  The sting of the wind was welcoming and brushed away my thoughts.  My borrowed cloak billowed behind me like the tail of a comet.  Steve made a tight turn, my body leaning to match the angle before righting up again.  There was a rhythm between the jostle of the bike, the thrum of the engine and my heartbeat thumping against Steve's back. 
Streets began to blur and time had no meaning as we rode through the town, eventually trading market stands for trees.  I wasn't sure where we were going but I trusted Steve.  The wind became too much for me as I pushed my face against Steve's back to block out the chill.  I felt him inhale deeply at the action, his back pressing back against me slightly.  His hand slightly squeezed my arm in comfort. 
Our speed began to slow as I took in our surroundings.  The scenery was changing from thick dense forest to scattered trees.  Steve rolled us to a stop, my heartbeat slowing and my thoughts rushing back to me. 
"Where are we?" I questioned, not moving and trying to distract myself.  Steve spun around, my arms falling away to wrap around myself.  He straddled the seat backwards to stare at me with ocean eyes. 
"You looked like you needed an escape," he softly smiled.  It was a look of concern and care.  "You don't have to explain what happened but I'm here for you."  My eyes fell away from him, my legs coming up against my chest as I balanced on the seat. 
Steve's been my friend for awhile but I never told him about my less than decent relationships or my constant worry of abandonment.  He's probably known something's been going on but we never talked about it, instead drowning in ignorance and procrastination of the inevitable. 
"I broke up with another one," my voice wavered.  He perked up at my statement.  His arms reached out to pull me into a careful hug.  My head rested against his shoulder as tears pricked at my eyes.  "They were so bad, Steve.  I was so stupid and naive but I couldn't bring myself to stand up for myself until it was too late," I mumbled as cries slipped past my lips.  He pulled me closer, squeezing me against him as if he could shelter me from my own feelings. 
"Hey, it's going to be alright.  Even if it doesn't feel like it now, you've already started the first step and that's more than enough for now," he whispered in my ear reassuringly.  I trembled in his hold, my breathing coming in shaky sobs.  Steve readjusted my cloak to cover more of me before running his fingers through my hair comfortingly. 
"I don't understand why I can't read the signs before I get hurt," I whispered raspily.  His hands traced from my back to my face, guiding me away from his shoulder to stare at him.  His eyes were serious, his mouth a straight line of stubbornness. 
"Don't you dare blame yourself for what they did.  People suck and that's not your fault.  The only thing you can do is learn for next time because, by Titan, you deserve someone who treats you like a prince and makes you feel loved and cared for," he stated strictly.  There was no humor in his expression, only stone cold resolution.  My heart fluttered at his declaration and my pain didn't drain away but it definitely eased a bit.  His fingers swiped away at my tears affectionately but only more rolled down my face. 
"You're amazing Steve," I whispered.  He smiled softly, slowly leaning in to place a chaste kiss on my forehead.  Heat spread through my body at the simple action.  He pulled away to chuckle good naturedly.  The sound made me feel comfortable, my tense body soothing. 
"Not as amazing as you," he whispered back.  My stare glanced from his horn to his cute little moles by his eye, my heart already hurting with the realization that I've been wasting my time.  The perfect one for me was right in front of me the entire time and I was too blinded to see him. 
As thankful as I was for the realization, I didn't want to throw myself into another relationship so soon.  I needed time to heal, to gather myself again and be an enjoyable friend before I tried to be an enjoyable partner.  Steve seemed to understand the look in my eyes as he nodded in understanding.  "I'll wait for you.  I've been waiting this long, what's a little longer?"

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