Dead Y/n

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Thanks @nerdyfanficfan325 for the request!
‼️emotional damage‼️

Everyone knew how dangerous this fight was. Everyone knew that Belos wasn't above killing, wasn't above being a monster. Luz had barely escaped with her life and the others managed to walk away with their own scrapes and scars. They all knew that death was possible for any of them. It was still surprising though when Luz, Eda and King witnessed the way y/n had been impaled by Belos.

It had first felt more like a nightmare than a reality, especially when Luz ended up being taken away as well but as the horror and confusion of the battle ensued, it wasn't until Belos had finally died and the Boiling Isles restored that the whole group managed to find y/n and realized what was happening.

He lay upon the ground, gasping in rattling breaths that didn't help the wound made in his stomach. Blood pooled around his body as he anxiously grasped at the torn flesh in a final attempt to hold onto his life. Gus crumbled first, dropping to his knees and gently hugging y/n to his chest as he sobbed. Willow was shortly behind as she rested a hand on his ankle in comfort. Amity calmly sat behind him, carefully lowering him back with his head in her lap. Luz and Hunter dropped nearby to watch the way his eyes began to glaze over. Y/n cried and cried, his fingers twitching sporadically.

"I'm sorry...I don't want to go. I'm not ready. I'm so scared," y/n whispered shakily, trembling all over now. Gus couldn't take it anymore and looked away, his hands pressed to his eyes in horror and sorrow. Amity gently trailed her fingers through his hair to calm him in any way she could. He was like a brother to all of them. A steady rock to lean on. What were they to do now when he needed someone to hold him up?

Willow tried to whisper comforting words to him as Luz desperately reassured him he would be alright. Hunter wasn't able to speak, only able to get close enough to hold y/n's hand firmly. When y/n shuddered one final time with a sharp intake of breath, they all found themselves frozen in disbelief as his eyes closed, a soft 'thank you' sliding past his lips before his body began to go cold with death.


The funeral was heartbreaking for all of them. Gus hadn't been able to stop crying and it left his eyes bloodshot and irritated. Amity and Luz clung to each other, not even able to smile knowing that y/n wouldn't be there to playfully tease them about it. Willow found herself looking to the sky more often to blink back tears and remember the way y/n loved flying around. Hunter had gone silent, unwilling to speak without y/n there.

The whole friend group was broken without their missing piece to make them whole and now they watched their shining light being buried where the sun will never reach him again.

The first few weeks after that had them all numb and lost. Gus clung to Willow, unable to be by himself for fear of losing someone else or seeing a now constant hallucination of y/n that he would accidentally make. Amity would carry around a scrapbook with their whole friend group including y/n in it just to make her feel like he was still there. Luz would have plentiful nightmares about the scene of his death, her sleep intake decreasing with each day. And Hunter still refused to speak, completely pulling away from everyone. The only time he did talk was at night when he would look up at the stars and imagine y/n was by his side once again.

When the sharp pain of his death had finally receded to a barely bearable throb, they all decided to come back together as a group despite the missing position that would never be filled. They decided that a simple burial for y/n wasn't enough closure. They were all haunted by his spirit in a way and wanted to do him justice for all the good he brought to their worlds. It wasn't enough to just talk about him and move on. They all wanted proper closure and peace of mind. And so they went to work on brainstorming some ideas.

Gus managed to come out of his shell a little to suggest something more beautiful than grand. He knew y/n wouldn't want anything big and glorious but rather pretty and intimate. Willow finally allowed herself to cry as she remembered he had loved dragons and was disappointed when he could never find one. Luz managed to nap halfway through without any nightmares, Amity watching over her and feeling like y/n was with them as well. Even Hunter finally spoke, suggesting a monument that had them all smiling warmly at each other. It was perfect.


The pain of loss never fully goes away. To lose someone you love sticks with you and changes you in ways that you may or may not notice. The best thing we can do is remember and carry that person with us wherever we go and that's exactly what y/n's friends did. They were able to share memories of him between them and to others as well. They allowed themselves to feel that pain but then move past it to the good feelings that person had once brought them. They knew y/n would want them to be happy without ever forgetting him, that his memory wouldn't be tainted with sorrow but with love and cheer.

When they created a statue of him sitting in his favorite meadow with a small dragon in his lap, they were sure he would've loved it. They all sat around him, Gus even placing his head in the statue's lap with Hunter on the other side with his own head on the statue's shoulder. It was a quiet evening with the sun setting over the horizon and the group of friends passing around snacks and picture books of their lost friend. There were even some gentle laughs and smiling faces as they all remembered. It was peaceful and melancholy at the same time.

"I miss him," Hunter stated softly, a tear tracing down his face even as he smiled. Everyone else murmured in agreement, looking up at the sky and half expecting to see their friend waving down at them from on his staff. A warm breeze carried around them then, his familiar smell of lavender tainting the air along with a faint noise that made them all start to cry a little. A soft 'I'm here' brushed past their ears, the sound achingly familiar and reminding them of their beautiful y/n.

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