Mattholomule x Reader

377 11 4

Thanks @nerdyfanficfan325 for the request!

Alright, this was the third time this week that I've managed to lose another hoodie. I was starting to run low on them and though I might've been losing my mind, it seemed like something else. I've already torn up my room in search of them stashed somewhere, asking my friends if they happened to know if I left any of them behind on patrol. Everyone seemed as confused as I was but of course it didn't really matter to them anyways. I was determined to find out where they went.

"I'm pretty sure the kindergarten brats took them. Just figure it out already," Boscha scoffed, staring at me intently as she threw an ax towards the target across the training room. It hit a perfect bullseye, splitting the wood of the brightly colored rings. Taking it as a sign to leave, I gave her a shaky smile before retreating to walk down the hall in defeat. There would be no more hoodies in my apocalyptic future.

With a sigh, I felt slightly disappointed at my continued loss. It seems that my hoodies just up and vanished into thin air. If I was more paranoid, I might've said that the Collector had somehow managed to turn them into their own puppets that were now somewhere across the Boiling Isles but that thought just turned out to be ludicrous. I'd have to find a way to lock up my remaining clothes to ensure the thief doesn't take them anymore.

The hallway of the school was silent and empty, allowing me to really think hard about my loss. I almost didn't notice a certain someone sleeping in one of the classrooms if I hadn't happened to glance that way towards the faint sound of snoring. My curiosity piqued, leaning my head into the darkened room to spot a sight that I would forever remember. Matty lay across one of the desks like a sleeping beauty, his arms wrapped around himself and his face tucked against his chest. I nearly swooned at the cute sight, taking a step closer into the room to check on him to make sure everything was all right.

The second I got closer, he stirred in his sleep. With a small yawn, he stretched his arms above his head. I stopped, realizing that I recognized what he was wearing. The familiar logo on his chest made me smile, chuckling to myself as I sat on the desk by his head to run my fingers through his short hair. I watched his eyelids flutter before fully opening, his stare obviously tired and a bit glazed over from sleep.

It took him a moment but he eventually fully awoke, pushing himself upwards to a swaying sitting position. When he realized I was here with him, his eyes widened a bit.

"I'm sorry I took it but it was so comfortable...and I didn't want nightmares again," Matty mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes. I chuckled softly again, pulling him against my chest to place my chin on his head. He wrapped his arms lazily around my waist with a small hum that could've been another yawn.

"I'm not mad, Matty. You look so cute in my hoodies anyways," I whispered teasingly, poking his side to make him wiggle a bit. He flashed me a tired smile, a light blush spreading across his face. I noticed that he was still slightly swaying with dark circles tracing the edges of his eyes. With a sigh, I leaned forward to maneuver him onto my back. I felt his body tense up as his arms wrapped around my neck in surprise, his breath tickling my ear. "You can keep the hoodie too if you want, I don't mind."

"Thanks...but what are you doing?" he whispered shakily, resting his head on my shoulder. My hands held his calves around my waist to ensure he didn't slip before taking a few careful steps towards the exit of the classroom. I could feel the way his heartbeat picked up its pace against my back even as his limbs started going limp.

"I'm taking you back to the room so you can sleep in an actual bed without anyone bothering you," I reassured him, looking down the hallway to make sure no one would wake him fully from his tired state. Our room wasn't that far away so it wouldn't take long to get there. I wouldn't be surprised if Matty fell back asleep in that time though. When his head had fully rested against my neck with slight snores filling the silence, I felt myself blush lightly at what he must've looked like passed out on my back.

Once I slightly stumbled into the darkened room that was once a teacher's office, I gently slid Matty off of me. He let out a small grumble but ultimately curled on his side again like he had been doing before in the other classroom. His bangs hung over his closed eyes and his chest rose slowly. I smiled softly before tucking him in, laying an old stuffed bear that I had given him long ago by his side. Pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead, I cast him one last warm look before leaving the room, shutting the door behind me with the image of him in my hoodie burning in my mind.

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