Chapter 1

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Aria p.o.v

"COME BACK HERE YOU MIDGET" yelled Jessica and her minions. I started to run faster than ever not wanting to be caught, I was crying hard since they kick my leg making it hard to run but I try anyway.

I turn the corner and started to sprint. I look behind me to see if I lost them until...


I fell down butt first on the ground, tears came down. I look up at the man with teary eyes, he looked like a bodyguard. I stand taking a good look at him and see he is wearing a suit with a mask.

I quickly understand the situation and took the opportunity to run away but before I could even move a foot he grab me in a tight hold.


He covered my mouth with his hand and stab me with a needle. My vision started to get blurry and my movements started to get slower.

And before I knew it darkness surround me and lured me to sleep.

3rd p.o.v

The bodyguard picked her up and hurriedly put her inside the car. He realizes how small and light she is, like a real baby. The other bodyguards inside the car start cooing at her.

"She is so tiny"

"Awe I can't wait to wake up"

"Such an adorable baby"

"The Mafia Queen and King are lucky to have her"

"I'm so glad we are her personal bodyguard"

"We will always love you and nobody will ever hurt you ever again", they said in unison.


As they were on the road, they kept putting the drugs in her making her fall asleep when she woke up. They want her to stay asleep while they are on the plane to her real home in Italy.

As they reach the airport, they carried her to the private plane. The employees didn't do anything since it's a private airport and they follow the rules of the Mafia Family, to not invade or interrupt the plan.

As they board the plane they placed her down on the bed covering her up with warmth. They kissed her head and said goodnight, by the time they make it to Italy it was nighttime.

A few hours later

They make it to Italy and start getting her off the plane. They make their way to the car and start to get in. He carefully sits her on his lap since there aren't any more seats. He tells the driver to drive to the mansion, and they start going.

A few minutes later, they make it home. He sees the Mafia Family standing there with smiles, this is like the first time seeing them so happy. He gets out of the car carrying her and makes his way toward them.

The Mafia Don takes her from his hands and starts carrying her in his arms. "My baby welcome home". The rest of the family gets a chance to hold her and they were wanting to hold her forever but they knew it's time to go to bed.

The Mafia Queen gets her while walking to the nursery behind them the rest of the family is walking too. They make it to the nursery and lay her down on the changing table.

The Mafia Queen changes her into a diaper and onesie. She picks her up and walks over to her crib and set her down.

She hears her baby starts to whine but she quickly comforts her.

The rest of the Mafia Family take turns saying goodnight and kissing her on the forehead or on the cheek.

"We love you and nobody will ever take you away from us"

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