Chapter 13 (Part 2)

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3rd P.O.V

The family would do anything for their baby even kill for her. They hate to see her cry especially if someone else made her cry. Someone hurt their baby their baby girl and now they have to pay.

The family walks together to the basement smiling as they walk through hearing the screams and cries as they walk pass the prisoners. Seeing them in pain gives them happiness.

During the situation at the park they ordered their guards to seize the woman and her children and to be brought back to the mansion in the basement regardless of their condition.

They go inside the room seeing them all tied brings them great pleasure. As they woke and they felt very scared they screamed cried and beg to be released but fell deaf to their ears.

The family agree on the punishment to give them, and wasn't that bad compare to what they had in mind.

(A.N I don't feel like writing it the torture part so this is just after)

As the family stepped back to look at their masterpiece:

The woman was missing her fingers on one arm and other arm her fingers are broken. She's bleeding and has bruising on her body everywhere, but that doesn't stop there. Her nose is broken and bleeding, her body is marked with words (bitch slut, disgusting, stupid, ugly, and etc)

The boy was missing his arm while the other was bend backwards. His legs were swollen and burned with knifes, he had half of his mouth snitch together.

The girl had both of her arms bend backyards and most of her teeth ripped out forcefully. They shaved her bald and craved her head with a knife.

The family had their fun but they had one more punishment. They put their weapons down and started to smile, but not a normal happy smile an evil smile.

Alistair P.O.V

I don't feel not one regret, they hurt my daughter and thought to get away with it, I think the fuck not.

As we put down our weapons I looked at their state, everything was bloody even ourselves.

"For the final punishment we are letting you go" I said smiling. Their faces turn with confusion but relief at the same time.

"To the black market" I said while smiling. I couldn't help but laugh at their faces when I said that in one go.

They really thought I would let them go, they must be retarded. I clapped my hands twice and 3 men enter the room.

"These are the men who you have been sell to, they are very nice and they will take good care of you" I said.

"YOU CANT DO THIS, please not my babies we can't be separated" she said screaming.

I didn't feel no regret, she hurt my baby and made her cry she deserved every ounce of pain.

I went towards her and grabbed her hair and pulled it hard, I heard her scream in pain and begged me to let her go.

"That's the pain my daughter went through because of you and now you and your 'babies' will suffer the worse pain you ever imagine, you will never see your kids again" I said in a deadly tone.

I backed away and let the three man handle their way with them. My family and I watched as they drugged them and passed out, we left after that going back doing our own things.

My wife and I both took a shower together to take less time and got dressed in our night clothes.

I told my wife I was going down the office for a few hours to catch up on some work and will be back.

Few hours I was finished and looked at the time "2:30 not bad" I said while yawning. I got up and walked upstairs and went inside our room.

As I go towards the bed I see my wife and my baby cuddling tightly, I giggled at the sight seeing my wife protectiveness over our baby girl.

I got in bed and kissed my girls goodnight before cuddling my daughter as-well.



Another chapter down guys I'm trying to speed this up so I can do my other books because I'm so excited for them

Thank you guys for being apart of my journey and I welcome you guys with open arms



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