Chapter 3

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Aria P.o.v

As I look up I see many people looking at me, I shyly put my head down, "baby put your head on when we're speaking to you" I put my head up slowly and watch and listen as they explain the rules.

"Rule 1: Always call us mama or mommy/ dada or daddy

Rule 2: Always use your diaper

Rule 3: Only crawl or we will pick you up, no walking

Rule 4: No cussing

Rule 5: Be respectful

Rule 6: No escaping, you are ours and nobody else

Rule 7: Always have one of us with you

Bedtime is at 8
Nap time is 2 pm-3:30 pm

If you follow the rules there will be rewards but if you break any rules there will be punishments".


-Dessert after dinner
-More playtime
-More screentime
- More stuffies


-Corner time
-No dessert
-Early bedtime
-No playtime
-No screentime

Rules can be added to stay on your best behavior because you will not like the consequences." they said.

Tears start gathering down and then the waterfall came. They all started to have a worry expressions and started to comfort me.

"No no I'm not baby you can't treat me like this. YOUR SICKOS ALL OF YOU ARE SICK WEIRDOS-" I paused on what I was saying, the expression on their faces look like they could kill anyone.

My eyes held fear and I did what anyone else would've done

I ran


I ran off the couch and started to run towards the door but my luck was in vain. The door was locked, I push, hit, and shoved the door with all my might but wasn't successful. I looked around and found a window and ran straight towards it, I tried to push but wasn't in luck.

I hit the glass hard as I can but again wasn't successful, I broke down in tears and started to cry.

I felt arms pick me up but thrash in their arms screaming and crying to be let go.

"NO, LET ME GO" I screamed but all they did was hold me tight and comfort me. My tears start to stop and just whimpers came out.

I look to see who was holding me but it was a girl who is supposedly my sister. She brought us back to where my other kidnappers were, I hide my head into her neck in response she rub my back.

She sat me back where I was on the couch and I see them with mad faces.

"Since you have broken a rule which was running away, you will stand by the corner for 15 minutes" One of them picks me up and I start to struggle, "I'm sorry please it won't happen again" I plead while tears come down my face.

They set me down in the corner facing the wall I turned around but turn quickly around when seeing their stern face. I cry silently as I'm forced to stay. I hear them all leave where I was and I just started bawling out crying.

15 minutes later

Mommy's P.o.v

15 minutes have passed. I walk over to her but as I get closer I hear sniffing. My heart aches but she has broken a rule and she had to get punished.

"Darling look at mommy please," I say with a gentle voice. I see her turn around, she has snot running down her nose, and her eyes are red and puffy from crying.

"Baby you were in the corner for trying to run away which broke the rule and you got a time-out, I want you to say sorry to mommy and the rest of the family," I said with a stern voice.

"S-sorry for running away m-mommy," she says while tears began to form again. I grab her and smother her with affection, she stops sniffing and just lets me hold her.

I put her on my hip and started walking where the rest of the family is for she to say sorry.

"Guys Aria likes to say something to all of you," I say while giving her the signal to talk.

"I sorry for t-trying to run away, me sorry", she says.

Everyone starts to coo at her and she just hid her face in my neck.

My husband grabs her from me and starts tickling her. I swear she let out the cutest laugh I almost died. I saw a light flash and realized that my son took a picture. I will make a note to frame that.

My family is now complete, I have my baby girl now -mommy

My baby nobody will ever take her away from us, if they even try I will put them through the most painful death - daddy

My sister, my baby sister no boys will ever hurt you -siblings

You will not ever leave us - family


This chapter, in my opinion, I don't really like the ending but it will have to do because I'm not redoing it overall I think this chapter is okay.

I really liked chapter 2 though😂, like I was so happy when I was reading it because it was that good😆.

This chapter will be short but thank you for reading my book and if you want or will give me tips or any suggestions.

Tips and suggestions will be great because I want to y'all creative while reading this book.

Thank you and farewell

🌺Flower 🌺

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