Chapter 1

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The sound of dishes being washed filled the kitchen, Tulip standing by the sink finishing the last dish. She had sent every maid and guard back to the Boleoti Household, deciding to handle things here herself and to hide the identity of her children from Phileo. Azure was the only one who stayed with her, helping her with taking care of the triplets. "MOMMAAA!" Aisha ran in, Tulips eyes widening at the sight of her daughter scraped knee. "Baby, what happened!"Tulip gasped. "I tripped over something!"Aisha cried Azure tending to the girls knee. "It's okay baby"Tulip smiled. She glanced at Ethan, worried the most about her son.

Ethan acted like Phileo the most out of all his siblings and he tends to make rash decisions when it comes to defending them, wanting his younger sibling to be safe from people he deems dangerous and a waste of time. "Ethan, honey, you remember what Mommy taught you?"Tulip asked hoping Ethan isn't the one who ends up getting found out. "If the Duke comes near me, ignore him and walk away, and keep walking no matter what happens"Ethan nods. "And if that doesn't work?"Tulip nodded. "Keep my head down while I talk to him"Ethan responded. Tulip nodded and sighed in a relief. "You kids go play"Tulip smiled. "IT GOT IN!"

Tulip looked up, her eyes wide as she spotted a bear with glowing green eyes charging for them. She raised her hands, a magic barrier appearing, her kids and Azure hiding behind her. She blasted the bear backwards, sending it crashing through several trees, a group of knights staring in shock at the sight of what she did. "Go get the bear! What are you waiting for!"Tulip commanded. "Ah, yes Lady Tulip!"Melesis nodded. She watched the guards hurried away, before turning to her children, giving them a worried look. "We're fine Mama"Isis smiled hugging her leg. "Why don't you all play inside, where I can keep an eye on you until we know the bear is gone"Tulip smiled ushering her kids inside, Azure locking the front doors.

She found herself a place to sit, looking out the window, spotting Leonia with the mysterious woman. The woman looked towards her and waved. Tulip stood up and glared, before shutting the curtains, sitting back down. She continued her book, turning on her room light. Her kids ran in, and climbed into bed with her. She smiled, patting their heads, then heard Azure shriek in surprise. "Azure?!"Tulip gasped hurrying out, her eyes wide. She stopped, spotting guards bringing in a mountain of gifts, startling her. "Mama, Mama! Look at those gifts!"Aisha smiled carefully walking down the stairs to see the gifts.

Tulip stared, a hand resting on her chest. "Duke Boleoti wanted you and the kids to have these gifts, he hopes you accept them"A guard informed bowing his head. "Can we open one Mom!"Isis asked. ""Tulip nodded. Isis grabbed a pink gift, opening it up and pulling a wooden sword out. Aisha held up a bunny doll, her eyes sparkling happily. Ethan scowled, gripping a turtle doll, a glint in his eyes. Tulip smiled slightly, looking at the happy expressions on her kids faces. "Tell the Duke we thank him"Tulip says bowing her head gratefully. "TULIP!" Avifer smiled at her, looking relieved. "Avi!"Tulip greeted warmly a wide smile on her face.

The two hugged each other tight, before stepping back, holding hands. "I was worried sick about you!"Avifer scolded. "I'm so sorry Avi, but I'm here now don't worry"Tulip chuckled. "Let me explain everything to you...I trust you Avi"Tulip sighed. Avifer blinked, looking concerned but nodded. The two walked upstairs, Azure chasing after the triplets calling for them to slow down. Ethan grabbed his younger siblings, glaring at them both. "You wouldn't be doing this if mom was the one watching us! Don't make things harder for Ms Azure!"Ethan scolded. "Sorry big brother!"

He released them, Isis and Aisha apologizing to Azure next. "They're your kids...I heard from Leonia that they were adopted..."Avifer says surprised. "Yes, I needed some time away from Phileo to get my thoughts and everything together....I don't know how to tell him I want to continue our relationship"Tulip sighed. "Avi, I'm scared...there's another woman lingering around and everything"Tulip sighed. "What are their names?"Avifer smiled placing a hand on top of hers. "Isis, Ethan and Aisha"Tulip responded watching her children play. "Those are beautiful names"Avifer smiled. "Thank you Avi"Tulip smiled. "E-EXCUSE YOU! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!"

Phileo walked in, Azure glaring at him furiously, chasing after the duke. Tulip walked around Avifer, going right over to the stairs, standing at the top of them. "What are you doing?"Tulip demanded. "I wanted to know if you'd join me and Leonia for dinner....Lady Tulip..."Phileo responded. She stared at him, noticing he was trying to keep himself from glancing at the three kids who were peeking out from their little playroom. "Why are you asking?"Tulip asked. "It was Leonia's wish..."Phileo responded narrowing his eyes. Tulip sighed, glancing at Avifer. "Very well...we shall be there for dinner with you Duke Boleoti"Tulip says bowing her head, Avifer sighing a little in relief.

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