page twenty-seven;

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We walked back inside my house silent. No one said a word the entire car ride, no one even bothered to mention that Nicolas was still at Marcelo's home and we were supposed to pick him up from the way but nothing was said.

I put the envelope on the table and then sat down on the couch, it wasn't that I was unhappy and didn't want the baby or anything. I was just taken by surprise of the news. To be honest I thought I pulled out on time.

"I'm sorry." Nicolette apologized, sitting beside me on the couch.

"For what?" I asked, looking at her. "Theres nothing to apologize for, i'm happy. I'm just shock as well."

"I just don't want to pressure you into this." she said.

"You're not pressuring me into anything." I rested my hands on her lap. "It takes two to make a baby, menina. "

"I know that." Her eyes fell to her lap where my hands were currently resting.

Our sweet moment was rudely interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing throughout my spanish mansion. Nicolette got up from the couch, my hands falling off of her lap. "I'll get it Cris."

Who could possibly want to come over my house at this time of day. The loud deep voices of my teammates that I recognized instantly answered my question.

"Where's the birthday boy?" Pepe's voice was loud and playful.

within seconds my living room was crowded with smiling men and gifts all on their hands. I had totally forgotten it was my birthday.

"I brought champagne to celebrate you turning 30." Sergio walked in with three bottles in his arm. He instantly found his spot standing besides Nicolette, smiling hard at her. This man just doesn't give up.

"Thank you guys, but you really didn't have to." I said, looking at each of the bright colored gift boxes in their hands.

"we wanted to, now shut up and open your presents." Fabio shoved his pink (don't ask) gift into my face. I took it and He stood back looking at me expectedly with a big grin across his face.

"okay fine." I unwrapped the wrapping paper and opened the box, it was a framed picture. "A picture of you?"

"you're welcome" he said. "Its a beautiful artwork, its one of a kind."

"you're one of a kind." Pepe said.

"aw thank you, I appreciate that." Fabio said, causing all of us to laugh.

"I didn't mean it in the good way." Pepe replied. These two, I was always in the middle of one of their quarrels whether it was with the club or the National team.

"Have some champagne, Nicolette." Sergio raised the bottle up at her.

"Uh no thank you." She declined.

"why not? Its your favorite." He egged on.

"I can't." She shook her head.

"Why- okay." Sergio finally gave up, thank goodness too cause I don't think she would of came up with a good excuse for him other than she was pregnant and that would break his heart.

"hey what's this." Gareth picked up the envelope from the table. "Another Paternity test? You have another kid?"


Timeless // C. RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now