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-October 10, 2014-

"Thank god, I found the good in goodbye, I used to want you so bad"

I parked my car at the field park. Beyoncé blaring through my system. It was one of those Sundays that you had to drop your 5 year old son off at their football practice.

Living in Madrid, everyone had their kid playing soccer at a young age. my neighbor Benjámin and Susanna, had their son enrolled at one of the younger teams and as soon as Nicolas turned 5 they had his registration sheet at my doorstep.

"baby, do you have your water bottle?" I looked through the rear view mirror at my son.

He nodded looking bored. "Yes mum. Can I get out the car now?"

"okay, Martíns mother will be dropping you off at home after practice ok? And if I'm not home by then, tell her to drop you off at Benjámin and Susana's okay?" I said sternly making sure he heard. "You understand?"

He nodded. "Yes mum."

I smiled at him. "Good, have a good practice, I love you"

"I love you too." He quickly removed his seatbelt and opened the door. I watched as he eagerly sprinted to the field. He was always about football. At such a young age you can tell he was passionate about the sport.

I drove out of the parking on my way to work. I've worked at the Spanish firm of Madrid for about 1 year now, I was transferred here from my old company in Manchester, England. My home. Where I was born and lived my entire life until a year ago.

-Cristianos pov-

I walked on the smaller field. I searched around for my teammates, I tried to not draw any attention to myself as I caught up with Sergio Ramos.

"Why does the whole team have to be here?" I asked Sergio.

He shrugged trying to remember what our coach told us a couple of days ago. "It's something about giving back to Madrid and growing close with the community."

"So we have to watch some little league?" I asked.

Sergio said nothing. He only nodded as we reached the bench and I immediately spotted a bunch of little children that could even control the ball, let alone pass correctly.

I hung my head as I took a deep sigh. This was definitely going to be a long day.

"We have a surprise for you guys" I heard, I'm guessing was there coach tell the younger kids.

They all circled around him eager for their surprise to be shown. I smiled, remembering how excited I would get at the littlest things when I was young.

"Here with us today, are the players of Real Madrid" the coach said, earning gasped from the parents and cheers from the younger team.

I guess that was our quo, as we walked towards the team getting closer and I raised my hands waving at the parents that were applauding us.

The kids surround us with hugs and cheers. How loud noises came out of little human, I would never know. I just took in all the hugs and embraces the children were giving me.

I stood there handing out a couple of high fives and ruffling some hair.

After awhile we settled down and watched their practices, I would be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit bored. I tried to look a bit more interested but what's there to watch when half the team couldn't even shoot the ball in the tiny goal.

"whoa. Watch that kid" iker said pointing at a kid with dark brown hair. He definitely knew how to move.

I was actually impressed. He seemed to be a little too advanced for a kid his age. His moves were flawless.

I wasn't even that good when I was his age. I wasn't even good when I that was age. I watched as he took on two defenders out dribbling them and finally getting the ball behind the net.

I had a good look at his dark blue jersey and his number was indeed a 7. I almost felt proud of this child, as if he was my own.

Oh hi. How'd you like it? Let's just say Cristiano may be a diva and very full of himself in these few chapters but who doesn't love a diva Ronaldo?

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