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Nicolette's p.o.v

After the game, Cristiano invited Nicolas and I for dinner at his home. I rejected it at first but both him and Nicolas insisted and kept urging me to come, finally I gave in and agreed on dinner. I hope it was nothing fancy because I did not want anyone wasting money on me especially someone like Cristiano.

Cristiano brought it upon himself to buy Nicolas a Real Madrid jersey and I refuse to get one for myself, if I was to get a Real Madrid jersey it definitely would not be Ronaldo's, it'd be Iker Casillas, let's just say I may sort of fancy him. Just a tiny bit.

Anyway Nicolas and I found our seats rather quickly it's as if Nicolas knew his place around the Santiago Bernabue even though he has never stepped a foot into the stadium until today. I sat down expecting the teams to come out but no they took awhile.

I took out my phone and took pictures of Nicolas watching the field attentively waiting on the players to arrive. I snapped a couple of selfies myself and I immediately posted them on my Instagram account. I'm kind of addicted to social media and I always always get on it.

"Nicolette? Is that you? At a football game?" I heard the all to familiar voice of my co-worker Sasha. I spotted her sitting a seat down with her husband Mikel. She had the huge grin plastered on her face as she waved at me.

"Hòla Sasha" I waved back at her. "It's a lovely surprise for myself too."

"wow. If you don't mind me asking, then how'd you get these wonderful seats? It took Mikel months of bargaining to just get one ticket. " she flipped her curly brown hair.

"Oh it was a gift from a friend." I turned my gaze back to the pitch where the music began and I could see the teams marching onto the green field of the Santiago Bernabue stadium.

"And who's this young man, is he your brother?" Sasha gazed Nicolas and gave him a smile.

I ran my hands through my hair returning my look at the two couple. "Oh no. Nicolas is actually my son"

There was the familiar look the people made when I told them that Nicolas wasn't my brother nor was I babysitting him, but that he was actually my son. Her mouth formed a oval shaped as she nodded looking quit embarrassed.

"Oh- well hello Nicolas" she said. "I'm Sasha"

"Hi" Nicolas murmured eyes glued down towards the pitch. I was rather impressed on how fast Cristiano got the tickets for us and it was also really good seats as well. I just hope it didn't cost him much trouble.

The camera ran down each players face and I seriously gushed at Iker Casillas when he appeared on camera, I am not going to lie he was the most handsome man I've ever seen.

"Nicolette look there, isn't that the guy you have on your wall at work?" Sasha teased me. I was guilty of having a couple pictures of the Spanish goalkeeper on my wall in my office but it wasn't nothing too drastic like a 15 year old girl with lots of pictures and posters of Justin Bieber on her wall, oh nothing like that just a couple of magazine clippings I've cut out and taped onto the wall.

"San Iker" I sighed dreamily looking at him with googily eye. The way his body was built with perfect muscles and his lovely chocolate brown hair. And that angelic face, oh god. I just might get myself pregnant again just by looking at the man.

Nicolas tugged onto my shirt pulling me out of the daze the Spanish goal keeper had me in. "Mom, it's Cristiano. Look!" Nicolas pointed at Cristiano who was taking off his jacket and jogging, which I'm guessing he was trying to warm up.

"Awh are you a Ronaldo fan?" Sasha gushed at Nicolas. "You are so cute"

I figured out the Real Madrid was playing a team called Deportivo. I didn't really know much about either teams so Nicolas, Sasha and even Mikel explained each thing to me.

It's funny that I grew up with football in my life, my dad was a coach for a U-19 boys team and my brother Erik played too and I still knew nothing about the sport.


Real Madrid ended up destroying the team while only letting two goals into the net. They won 8-2 Cristiano even scored a I think they called it a hat trick? When you score three goals in a single game.

I did cheer for him too, it was rather exciting watching the emotions go through each football fan. I could never see myself being this frantic over a mere game of football. I would never cry over a game.

Nicolas and I stood inside the back where Cristiano said he'll meet us. I didn't know if I should be carrying an ID with me or not.

"You guys are still here?" Sasha voice surprisingly called out from the back.

"I can say the same for you" I looked from between her and Mikel, they both were carrying two white jerseys in their hands and I wandered where they got them from.

Sasha waved the jerseys in my face. "Mikel and I went backstage and met some of the players and got signed jerseys, this one is Sergio Ramos's and the other one belongs to James Rodriguez. And there's one more I was hoping I would surprise you with it at work but we also got Iker to sign his" she pulled out a purple jersey and it was indeed worn by Iker during the match.

"No way" I grabbed the jersey. "Have I ever told you that I loved you? Well I love you."

A door creaked then opened. "Nicolette, Nicolas there you two are." The Portuguese voice of a Cristiano Ronaldo rang out. Nicolas took no time and ran towards the man who was his father.

"Hola Nicolas, did you enjoy the match?" Cristiano picked him up hugging him.

"Yes I did, you were amazing." Nicolas gushed over the man.

Cristiano turned his face and attention to me. "And you?"

I shrugged. "It was good."

"Oh erm well I'll see you tomorrow Nicolette" Sasha gave my arms a squeeze giving me the look which meant we were definitely going to talk later.

"Bye" I smiled at her.

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