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Cristiano's p.o.v

By Tuesday afternoon word had gone around that Irina and I were to wed, yes we were engaged. But that was not important right now. I mean yeah it was important that Irina and I were getting married but that's not what I cared about at the moment. I mean I do care, I love Irina but I was too focused on a certain 5 year old. I sat at the parking lot staring at my phone. I had just sent Irina an excuse on why I couldn't go ring shopping with her. I didn't want to tell her I was at some little league game, so instead I said I was hanging out with Iker. Which she believed because she replied back with an okay.

I got out the car and walked towards the field, fully disguised in a dark sunglasses and a huge nike hat on top of my head hiding my face as best as it could. I was dressed in a grey nike sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I was praying that no one would recognize me because that would cause lots of trouble. I stood by one of the parents as I watched Nicolas run away from a brunette whom was blowing kisses at him. She also had a pair of sunglasses, I was guessing that was his mother, but she seemed quit young to be a mother to a five year old.

My eyes were glued towards Nicolas while occasionally I'd sneak a few peeks at Nicolas mother, the mysterious brunette. I strangely felt very connected towards her even though I've never spoken to her before nor do I even know her name. But her very sight fascinated me. I made a mental note to speak to her at the end of the match.

I honestly had no clue why I kept getting drawn towards Nicolas. I've never felt so connected to a child before and he's not even mine. I wanted to spend all my time with him, I even planned on inviting him to my games. I silently chuckled as I thought about even inviting him to my home and spending time with him. I was confused to where this drastic attachment all of a sudden came from, but I felt as if I could maybe even father the kid, knowing the fact that he lacked a father in his life and I knew how tough it must be, cause I myself don't have a father in my life.

The teams began their match as the parents cheered their children on as if they were watching a professional match. One parent went as far as claiming a red card on one of the teams that miskicked the opponent. But I didn't get into the game like the parents until one of the opponents shoved Nicolas into the ground and I started calling out to the refs that it was a clear foul and he was blind.

"Which one is yours?" One of the fathers asked me as we stood besides one another.

I looked at him before turning back to stare at Nicolas. " number #7 " I point at Nicolas who was taking on two defenders.

"Nice, he's a talented one. " the man said. "Mines number 19"

"Yeah he is." I smiled feeling like proud parent.

Within the last minute Nicolas managed to score a goal bringing his team up the lead 2-0 . I clapped at his success, I knew he was going to be a big name in the football league if I continued to be in his life.

The team shook hands and they jogged back towards the coach. I watched as Nicolas jumped and high fived his coach, which reminded me of those times me and Ancelotti would high five one another whenever I'd score the game winning goal.

I stood back waiting for them to finish talking which they soon did and I found myself walking in the direction of Nicolas and I noticed the brunette do the same. She look at me curiously before grabbing the boy into a hug kiss his face.

"You were amazing sweetie." She kissed his head. "You could be the next Ryan Giggs"

Or Cristiano Ronaldo

"Mum stop it you are embarrassing me " the boy whined.

So she was his mother.

"I'm sorry if I'm proud of my son and can't help but show my admiration for him in front of everyone" she smiled down at him fondly showing much love.

"Ehem" I purposely cleared my throat to get the two attention. "You did a marvelous Nicolas, I'm very proud of you"

"You made it!" The boy beamed before getting out of his mother grasp and running giving me a hug.

I smiled down at the boy picking him up and holding onto him. "I told you I'd come wouldn't I? "

"um Nicolas, mind introducing me to your friend?" Nicolas's moms voice piped in.

I put Nicolas down and took my hat and sunglasses off. " my apologies, hola, I'm Cristiano Ronaldo"

"Oh" was all that came out of her mouth.


Oh? Was that good or bad.

"and you are?" I pushed on trying to find out the mother of Nicolas.

"Nicolette, Nicolette James." I swear I was hit with a wave of Déjà vu. I feel as if I knew her from somewhere. Nicolette James.


Nicolette James..

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