Chapter 4- Onesie!!

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Harry glanced upward and whimpered, shaking his head swiftly to severus' statement. "I can'h go! I gets made fun of!.." he spoke in a panicked manner, tears starting to form in his little eyes and his bottom lip starting to quiver as he looked up at Snape. "Plees profeser..."
Snape frowned and gently lifted the child, patting his back. "Hush now dove, it's'll be just fine, I am here to protect you and no one will make fun of you, okay?" He smiled a little. "And please, you don't need to call me that anymore, If you want can call me daddy."
The Ravenette thought for a while before nodding,  "...o-okay .. daddy..." he muttered, it would definitely take some getting used too for the little one, it didn't exactly roll off his tongue just yet, but he refused to be put down at all, being held gave him that sort of comforting security. As they were floo'ed to diagon alley Harry held his frightened little face into his caregivers chest, scared to look around at anyone at all, he was far too afraid to bbq recognised, and photographed, oh god he could've put in the paper. He stayed close and hidden as they walked into the shop.

After a few minutes of movement around and hearing the rumbling of his daddies chest talking with the shopkeeper he poked his shy little head up, rubbing his eyes and glancing around, almost cowering slightly however, he didn't want anyone he knew to see him in this state, though after taking a scope out of the place he realised he really did know nobody around, and there was barely anyone in the shop, about 2 littles and 1 caregiver. He began to whine and wiggle as he tried to get out of his arms, wanting to be put down, starting to get extremely huffy.
Severus glanced down to the boy and placed him down, smiling a little, Snape had been so smiley lately. "Here hun, you can look around the shop for a bit while I get the essentials but I need you after to get your clothing sizes and opinions okay? Don't leave the shop. If you see anything you like you may bring it to me."

Harry squeaked in excitement and nodded, he tucked his kitty stuffie under his arms and toddled his way around the shop, he
Kept a hand on his dummy but was too afraid to use it in public, he walked over to the toy section and smiled beamingly, he ran his hands over all the textures excitedly, unable to help the fact he was stimming, now unknown  to him and his caregiver, Harry was on the autism spectrum , and had been masking most of his life. So while he genuinely felt happy he just stimmed, for the first time in his life.

Severus looked up slightly as he placed some onesies in the cart, his heart warming just watching his little flap his arms around, squealing and smiling. He walked over and ruffled his hair, "hello Harry , are you having fun?" He spoke softly as to not frighted the child in front of him, just watching him though he did make a mental note of speaking with a doctor about an autism test for the boy.
Harry looked up and nodded , smiling a little shyly as he nodded, in one arm he had his kitty stuffie and the other was occupied by one of those long memory foam cats, now every single night harry  slept he kept one leg up and the other straight, and he just wanted to cuddle it and wrap his little legs around it for comfort.

The older Ravenette sighed a bit and chuckled softly to himself, since becoming Harry's official caregiver he was incredibly out of character, he smiled and laughed and chuckled in a genuine way. "Is that is what you would
Like dove? Hmm....I think you have to give them a name first, before we take them home, and I do believe your kitty is also in need of a name too." He smiled, pointing to the stuffie he had been given in the hospital after classification.
Harry looked at them both and thought for a little while, he had never been allowed to name things before, though he never had things to name. After a few minutes of deliberating he pointed softly at his original kitty, "his name is milo," he spoke softly and then pointed to the long memory foam stuffie, "an her name is Winnie!" He smiled widely, visibly very proud of himself that he thought of those names all by himself.
Snape's heart warmed and he nodded, placing Winnie in the basket with a smile, kissing Harry's forehead. "Good job dove, daddy is very proud of you." He smiled, now ordinarily he would not just dish out praise like water, but he knew how little affection the small child had
had growing up, he knew he couldn't entirely make up for all of what he did not have but he knew he could sure as hell try his best. "Now my love would you like to get in the cart while we pick up a few more bits or would you rather walk?"
Harry couldn't help but squeak and smile as he was praised, leaning into the little pecks from his daddy, unable to help the fact he was subconsciously flapping his hands around beside his waist. Though he nodded to the question his father had asked him, reaching his arms up to be placed in the cart, a beaming smile on his little face. Now once he sat in the cart seat he turned around to peer into what his daddy was actually buying, if it was for him he just had to know, now in the cart sat many many things;
Nappies, bottles, bibs, dummy's, baby powder, wipes, rash cream, a bottle of calpol, and a whole bunch of clothes, now Harry grew up on one set of clothing his entire life, whatever trousers and shirts didn't fit Dudley anymore and second hand underwear. Yet in the cart sat about 15 different pairs of clothes, he just began to smile with joy, making those excited squeak noises again.

After around 10 minutes of a final lap of the store, which included Harry picking out a few outfits too, and two matching onesies he was practically begging severus for, one for Harry and one for his daddy so they could match, he was very excited to try them on as soon as he could. He started whine a bit as his daddy waited in the queue , he still sat in the cart and severus pushed it along in the line, looking to his boy as he saw how red he had turned and how whiny he sounded. "Dove? What's wrong? Why are you upset mm?"

Harry looked at him with a wobbly lip, trying to almost hover by using the sides to hold himself up. "Ih hurs.."
Severus looked for a moment with concern, worried about his boy, what if he was sick? Had he come down with something? He was not prepared yet to take care of his baby, let alone a sick baby. He took a rational breath and frowned, looking at the rash around his thighs. "Oh my baby, did you use your nappy? Darling you should've told me when it happened, then we could've avoided this nasty rash. Well we are almost at the front of the queue now my love so just hang tight mkay? We will be home as soon as we have paid I promise you, and then we'll get you changed into something comfortable, maybe even those onesies if it'll cheer you up."
Harry looked up and smiled a little, giggling quietly to himself as he nodded, he still whined a bit from the pain but he knew his daddy cared and would change him as soon as he could, and he wanted to wear those onesies, he was incredibly excited to get home.


Harry whined as they got home, severus placed the bags on the floor and laid the boy on the changing mat, he just whined and wiggled around, now while he could barely hold his
Bladder anymore he was still incredibly
Embarrassed by getting changed, he hated feeling so exposed, and the cold chill in the house made his privates sore and cold, now he had had his accident at least 2 hours ago by now, he was just too ashamed to tell his daddy, but he knew that he cared he was just embarrassed.
Severus frowned as he cleaned up the small child, wiping up his bits and his bum, making sure he was all nice and clean, picking up one of the new nappies he had Gotten the boy, he gently tucked it underneath him, softly applied rash cream, pulled up the Front, did up the tapes and kissed his tummy with a smile.  "All better now sweetie. Now cmon, let's go get these onesies on hm?"


Hi guys!! I am so so sorry for leaving this so long! I am on Christmas break so I will try and update as much as I can, I prefer to have my updates 1 thousand words or more though so please be patient with me so I can give you a good update! Will try and update as much as I can! <3

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