Chapter 15- I dont need to be changed.

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Now snape had kept both the boys at home for the rest of the day, he didn't plan on sending Draco back to school for at least the rest of the week, not to mention he had to go over the plan with him that madam pomfrey and instructed him with. Though as of currently he was in the kitchen preparing two bottles for little Harry and little Draco, he loved them with all his heart and soul but taking care of one little had its challenges, taking care of two was quite a task. Though he walked back into his room, laying in bed as he adjusted himself in such a way he could feed both the littles their bottles, not wanting any more tears over who got to have one first.

Draco had not let Severus out of his eyesight since he was taken out of that classroom, watching him while he was in the kitchen and curling into him as he drank from his bottle, he loved being small, sure; it had its downsides but it made him feel safe and relaxed and overall at peace.
Severus hummed softly to both his boys. "Okay my little ones, I know nobody wants to go out but I don't think I'm gonna send you in for the rest of the week Draco honey, so we are gonna have to go shopping so I can get some food, drinks and some nappies for you both."
Harry nodded softly and suckled on his bottle; he liked going out, daddy always gave him a treat when he was good too, plus he was pretty accustomed to his little life now, so he rarely got embarrassed.
Draco whimpered a bit and buried himself further into Severus. "N-Nu.." he spoke, close to tears again, really not wanting to go out.
"I know baby I know, can you be a big brave boy for daddy? I'll even get you both a treat. Won't that be nice ?" He hummed, patting their bums gently.
Draco sniffled and hiccuped a little, once again shaking his head and crying his little heart out.

It took Severus about an hour to convince Draco, though he knew he most likely wouldn't stay small. He kissed his head and got up, looking down at Harry with a little chuckle after checking his nappy waistband. "Oh we got ourselves a very stinky baby huh, cmon let's get you changed mr stinky bum." He pat his bum and looked To Draco . "Do you need a change too sweetheart or are you dry?"
Harry yawned a bit and nodded, before he wiggled around as he nuzzled up closely into Severus, his legs wrapped around his waist tightly.
Draco sat in silence for a moment before shaking his head, he had had about 2 accidents in his nappy since being changed after getting home, but he was no longer small and embarrassed about it. "No no I'm dry." He gave a weak smile.

The taller male nodded and kissed his head as he carried Harry to his changing table, laying him down gently, singing to him as he began to change his
Nappy, feeling as though he hadn't been spending all that much time with his son since Draco came. "Harry baby?"
The toddler looked up from playing with the mobile above the changing table, tilting his head to the side. "Ah?" He spoke, chewing on his hand.
Severus chuckled slightly before replacing his hands with a dummy. "Do you feel like daddy hasn't been
Paying much attention to you? I know it's been quite hectic the past few days with everything going on, then Draco coming to stay with us, feels like it's been a while since we've had some daddy Harry cuddles huh." He spoke, caressing his cheek ever so gently.
Harry frowned a bit and nodded as sucked on his dummy. "Uh huh...i is aways in my woom...I wuv my woom buh I Miss pwayin wif oo n stuff..." he frowned; he had been a lot more quiet and less smiley over the past few days, even though Severus had said he wasn't leaving him, he still believed he was.
Once the little boy was changed into a fitting nappy he gently scooped him up, sitting down on the rocking chair in Harry's nursery, just gently rocking back and forth with him. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I bet it seems quite scary...daddy doesn't like to have to leave you alone too dove, Draco is just struggling a bit right now and needs a lot of support. But how about once we get home from the store, daddy will see if Draco wants to go down for a nap and maybe we can play then? Would you like that my sweet prince?"
The toddler giggled quietly and nodded as he snuggled up closely into Severus, soon starting to whine and cry for his bottle however.
He chuckled softly and used his wand to bring it in, gently holding it to Harry's lips. "Oh my little baby, you are just too cute huh. How did daddy end up with such a cute baby boy." He hummed, rubbing his tummy as he drank from his bottle.
Harry gave another soft happy shriek as he nuzzled closely into Severus, yawning.

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