Chapter 9- Bring him home

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Harry's little lip began to quiver as he heard this. "B-Buh....i nee daddy...p-pease.." he whimpered, tears began to pour as he hiccuped a bit, he just wanted his daddy to come and tell him it was okay, for all he knew he had killed Lucius, it triggering a lot of traumatic memories for the boy during the war, causing him to just burst out into loud shaky sobs.
The officer frowned and sat beside him, rubbing his back. "Hey hey it's okay buddy...I'm sure he'll be here soon, he uhm.... It's because you had your wand bud, you know your not supposed to perform any magic outside of school, and no magic especially at this age without a lot of supervision. But don't worry, I believe we have a , Mrs Weasley coming to see you? Is that her
The small boy looked up, his heart sinking to his stomach as he realised this was his fault, If he had just taken the beating, if he had just behaved and listened his daddy would've been okay , he would've been able to take him home, he brought this upon himself, making him cry more. Now he sat there and just bawled into the officers arms, he just couldn't stop crying, but the officers slightly awkward back pats did somewhat help him, he tried his hardest to pretend that it was his daddy, but it didn't really help him all that much. He laid there and just cried for a while, until he heard that soft familiar voice, his head snapped around as he saw Mrs Weasley stood in the doorway, a little bag hung over her shoulder and draped down her waist. "Oh Harry my boy.." she spoke even softer, walking over to the small child.
The small ravenette looked up at her, his lip wobbling as tears poured down his face, he had no idea what she would say, her son hadn't even tried to speak to him since then and he knew he had been ridiculed behind his back by one he used to call his best friend, slowly hanging his head in shame, prepared for a beating and a yelling.

Molly's heart just shattered as she just scooped up the small child, now this was the first time she had met little Harry, he was no longer that headstrong boy that put everyone before himself, he was a frightened child who craved the love and affection from his caregiver, she was instantly deeply worried just seeing the marks on his neck, and the reaction when she tucked her arm under his bum. "Oh Harry my poor boy...we've been worried sick about you, I heard about what happened...I'm so sorry I wasn't there sooner. And damn right you should've used your wand buddy, I promise you, anyone that tells you that you shouldn't I will personally see them sorted, you were protecting yourself as a last resort, I am very proud you were brave enough to do that Harry, though you have always been a brave little boy." She kissed his head as she slowly laid down, not wanting to hurt him anymore, laying him down on his chest.
Harry looked up and hiccuped, shaking his head as he began to just uncontrollably sob into his arms. "N-Nu!!
Coz is my f-fawt if I nu see daddy evew again.." he whimpered, tears poured down his face, though his face was adorned with bruises and cuts, his bum was almost blue and purple with bruises and his back even had chunks of skin dug out of his back from the sharp point of the cane.
The small boy stayed curled up in Mollys lap and just cried for a little while, he truly felt as if it was all his fault, and that he just should've taken the beating, he should've behaved, everything was just his fault, and he fully accepted that. He just stayed there for a while, though he was really in urgent need of a nappy change, but it was really hurting him, so badly, nor did he want to say anything, however he hadn't noticed that he had leaked all between his thighs and down to his knees.
Molly frowned a bit down at him. "Oh buddy,'you need a change...why didn't you tell me hm? it okay if I change you?"
Harry looked up, about to nod before seeing the nurse walking in, he audibly whimpered and tried to hide behind Mrs Weasley, he was being so overly cautious from how frightened he was of what happened, he didn't want anyone to lay a hand on him after what Lucius had done.

The nurse gave the two a warm smile, carrying her chart. "Hi little one, little mister potter I believe? Now, we need to get you checked up okay ? I even have a wonderful little surprise for you If your good." She smiled she cooed to him.
Harry sniffled and slowly moved from Mrs Weasley, unsure of what his checkup would entail, or what she would do, though he instantly began to scream and cry as the nurse took off his shirt and trousers, leaving him in just a nappy and he wasnt even told that's what would happen, kicking and wailing to try and get back to Mrs Weasley, just wanting to be safe.
Molly sighed and kissed Harry's forehead with a gentle smile. "Harry my boy, the nurse has to look at all your ouchies so she can help okay? And your going to need your nappy off too sweetie, I know you have a lot of ouchies on your bum. Now, would you prefer if me or the nurse took off your nappy, your going to need to be cleaned up a lot."
The small ravenette hiccuped and rubbed his teary little eyes, he didn't want anyone to dare touch him, molly was really the exception in the room, though he knew it was his fault for making his daddy leave over being hurt, he didn't want molly to be taken from him too. Staring at the nurse and then at Mrs Weasley, nodding slowly that the nurse could change him, though he was extremely cautious about this. He sniffled and laid down on the bed with his legs slight spread, hissing in pain and wailing out as the cold wipe came into contact with his bruised bum, not to mention the cuts. He just started to absolutely howl out for his daddy, screaming , he just wanted him and his comfort back, he made him feel so safe, he felt undefended without his father there.
The nurse frowned, once the nappy was off and he'd been sufficiently cleaned she stood him up on the bed, examining his entire body, also taking photos to be used as evidence in the courtroom. She then put down the photo taking device , treating the child's wounds as best she could without hurting him, looking to Mrs Weasley. "There's going to be a lot of scarring madam, he could even be due a skin graft on his back it is that serious, that man has taken chunks of skin and tissue from his back, it won't all be able to heal over, I'm going to put him on a drip with some medication."
Harry sniffled and ran back to molly as he was re-nappied and put in a onesie, wailing as he hugged her tightly. "Daddy!!! I wan daddy!!"

Molly sighed as she rubbed the small boys back. "I know Harry, I know."
Harry sobbed and screamed and begged for his father, he had no idea how attached he had become to his once professor until this moment, his heart throbbed and ached for his fathers comforting smell, or bum pats, or just the way he would quietly sing to him, he missed it so bad, the poor kid just crying himself to sleep eventually.
She stayed close to him for a long while, to the point it was about 5-6 hours, and she didn't care, she was worried sick about Harry and had treated him like one of her own growing up, though she did make a mental note that he needed to make him a new jumper, that fit his newly little body. As he slept she pat his back, glancing upward as an officer walked in. "Yes officer? What is the verdict? What happened? Can Harry go home"

The officer sighed audibly , and nodded. "Yes, but there will be multiple cps spot check ins on the child to ensure his safety, he is on his way now, I'm sure he won't be but a minute ma'am."

Guys I am so sorry it took this long for this chapter!!!! Sorryyyyy!

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