Chapter 20- Sirius...and...Lupin?

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Draco had happily left the house to go and see his boyfriend, beaming as he ran as fast as he could into blaise's arms, having regressed out of excitement on the way there, squealing, jumping from foot to foot in excitement.
Blaise lightly chuckled as he scooped up the blonde, smothering his head and face in kisses. "Oh I missed you so much my little prince! Have you been a good boy sweetheart?" He smiled, putting the kettle on as he rubbed his little ones back.
The child shrieked happily and nodded quickly, sucking on his thumb as he babbled his heart out, so happy to be with his boyfriend again, he loved the way he took care of him. He liked feeling special.
The taller teen hummed softly as he began to make a hot chocolate for the blonde in his little sippy cup. "Now , while I would love to listen to my prince babble all day long, it is getting about late sweetie, so let's get you cuddled up in bed with your hot chocolate yea? I'll even tell you a bedtime story seeing as you've been such a big brave boy recently. Do you need a change quickly before we get to bed though?"

Draco thought for a moment before blushing and slowly nodding, he was still embarrassed by all this
, even when he was small.
Blaise hummed softly and nodded, taking a nappy and some wipes out of Dracos bag, carrying the little one to their room, laying him on the bed and changing him quickly. "Thank you for telling me little
One, you did so well for telling me, my brave little Draco."
The blonde squeaked and widely smiled at this, reaching his little arms up to be held again. He was then laid in bed, blaise returning a few moments later with a bottle filled with hot chocolate for the little one, he laid down and held the little boy in his arms, watching as he drifted off whilst drinking his bottle.


It had been a few weeks since then, and Harry was sitting in the doctors office, picking at his hands nervously, now he had to be big for this test, and he was incredibly nervous. Sat on the chair beside his father , arms wrapped around his daddy, overwhelmed and scared. "Dad I'm I have to do this?..."
Severus nodded as he ran a gentle hand through his sons hair, knowing by the way he was acting he wasn't fully big. "I know your scared baby but I will be with you the entire time, the doctor is very nice don't worry. You will be okay sweetie." He was about to continue talking before the doctor called them in, he gently took his sons hand and walked into the doctors office, sitting on the chair beside his boy.

The doctor looked down at his clipboard and hummed softly with a smile. "Harry Potter, it is wonderful to meet you. Now, I believe we are here today for an autism test, is that right?"
Harry bit his lip and whimpered a bit, looking up to Severus to speak for him, he was incredibly shy and worried as it was, wanting to suck on his thumb.
Severus held the boys hand and smiled warmly at him, then looked to the doctor. "Sorry, he is quite shy. This is his first doctors visit, other than the hospital wing at hogwarts. So yea we are here for an autism test, he had a sensory overload meltdown a few weeks ago and he's been struggling a lot since then, I have thought he might've been autistic for a while now but the meltdown sort of topped it off for me. He has had a lot happen to him in the past few months too, I believe he has been masking up until now due to the state of how he grew up. I'm pretty sure the trauma has sort of made it come out."

The doctor made multiple notes on this, listening closely. "I see you've been doing your research, that's excellent. The more evidence we have to support the easier it is for me to make the diagnosis. So, let's begin. Why don't you tell me about Harry's life, what is just a
Usual day for him."
The caregiver looked down, noticing Harry was no longer big, with the stress he knew he wouldn't stay big for long, gently lifting the boy into his arms as he pat his lower back. "Well...he wakes me up at around 7am every morning, he has to be changed first then
I make him his morning bottle. We sit down to have that because he gets upset when I hold him and give him his bottle. Then I make him some breakfast, and he plays with his toys for a bit I guess? By then his brother normally wakes up and they play together for a bit, I catch up on some work. Mm....then I usually take Harry and Draco out, sometimes it's to the lake or to the park, it all depends. But Harry has to know the day before or he won't go, he likes to plan things out in his head so he knows what will happen. We've had to do a lot of prep for this doctors appointment so he knows what will and won't happen. Erm, then we come home and Harry naps, then we have food and Harry likes to watch cartoons and play for the rest of the day."

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