Chapter 14- Lupin, is a dead man.

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Draco yawned groggily as he got up, it was Monday
, and god he didn't want to go to school, just wanting to go back to bed and cuddle with his daddy, still in a night shirt and surprisingly, a dry nappy, though he had been changed during the night more than once.
Severus smiled softly at the boy, Harry was sat in a high chair beside him as he made breakfast for both boys and 3 lunches. "Morning sweetheart, did you sleep well? I thought id let you sleep in a little before I got you up for school."
Harry yawned and reached his grabby little hands out to Draco. "Dway!"
Severus tiredly smiled and rubbed his temple. "This little one had me up at 6am, he's nothing but a bursting ball of energy." He spoke, setting the baby down on the floor.
Harry squeaked and ran into Dracos arms, hugging him tightly.

The blonde smiled, sitting at the kitchen table as he watched Severus cook, placing Harry on his thigh after casting a weightless charm. "Do I have to go in today snape? I'm tired." He yawned a bit and rubbed his eyes.
Severus pondered for a moment before nodding. "I know your tired sweetie, but I need you to at least try okay? If it gets really bad you can come and get me and I'll take the rest of the day off work and get you home, but I need you to try for me. Can you be a big boy and try for dad?"
He pouted a bit In disappointment, rubbing Harry's back before yawning once again, resting his head down on the table, though what he hadn't noticed was that his once dry nappy was steadily becoming full, the wetness indicator turning from blue to yellow.
Snape raised his eyebrow a little as he watched this, from the medical reports he had been given Draco was never said to suffer with anything like this, he did have an accident when he was small, and other than last night , it was the first proper night he had spent without constantly waking up. Since Draco regressed to cope with his trauma he wondered if that trauma had had an affect on his physical body too, namely a weak bladder. "Draco honey? Are you small again?" He spoke softly, wanting to rule that out of the equation first.
He sat up and shook his head sleepily. "No? Wh-" he instantly froze, his face growing a very red colour before setting Harry on the floor, pulling the shirt down to cover his bum and more of his soggy nappy eyes as he practically ran to the bathroom without a chance for Severus to speak at all.

Harry looked up to his daddy confusedly and whined, sucking on his thumb as the tall man picked him up. "Did dway hav a axiden?" He tilted his head to the side, a bit confused.
Severus nodded softly and rubbed the small boys back. "It seems that way huh. Okay baby, daddy has to go talk to Draco, can you be a big brave boy and sit in your room with your toys till daddy comes out?"
He pouted a bit but nodded as he toddled his way into his room, he knew accidents were yucky so Draco must just be upset, he got upset after accidents sometimes too.

Severus sat down outside the bathroom door, knocking on it. "You okay in there sweetheart? Can I come in? I think we should talk."
Draco didn't say anything but was heard crying on the other side of the door, slowly unlocking the door, he was so scared, god what would snape say to him.
The tall ravenette swiftly walked in, sitting down beside Draco and pulling him into his arms. "Draco, why are you so upset sweetheart? I'm not angry at you, accidents are okay, they happen to everyone."
Draco shook his head and hiccuped, sobbing his little heart out into Severus' arms, soaking his robes.
Snape frowned a bit. "Draco I promise they happen to everyone, Trust me, I was a bedwetter in my teens, it happens." He smiled, laughing a little, just wanting to cheer the boy up.
Draco sniffled and curled tightly into Severus' arms, rubbing his teary eyes. "Really?...did you not get told off or anything? Not In trouble? Da-...Lucius always uhm...he always spanked me when I wet the bed.." he muttered shamefully, but he was definitely opening up.
Severus shook his head and frowned. "My parents weren't amazing but they didn't care, I just had to wash my sheets a lot. But honey, you have to know that is no way to treat a child, from trauma research I've done, kids that are abused usually have problems with their bladder and bowels later on in life, I think that's what's happened how long has this been going on bug?"
Draco looked at his hands and thought for a moment. "..about 6 months?'s not just in the night happens sometimes in the day.."
The taller males heart broke as he heard the sadness in the child's voice, kissing his head as he gently ran fingers through his hair. "And that's okay Draco, things like this happen and are normal, now. What would you like to do about it? There are a few options? We could have you in nappies constantly, or nappies during the night and pull ups in the day to catch small accidents, or we could just get a plastic mattress topper, but they are pretty uncomfortable. But I am going to take you to madam pomfrey before school, just in case it is something else."
Draco sat there for a few minutes in silent thought while Severus just gently stroked his hair, melting into his arms. "...I don't know...i can go a few days without it in the daytime, it just depends on the situation I guess...I don't think I've had a night without an accident in a while though, only way I can stop them from happening is getting up every hour on the hour, even then it's not enough time sometimes...and do I have to go to madam pomfrey?...I don't want anyone else knowing..."
The ravenette nodded and listened to him, stroking his hair softly. "Okay, I think we should try nappies in the night and pull ups during the day, I can buy you separate ones to Harry's too, I'll make sure they are discreet,especially the daytime ones, I'll make sure they are just ones you can just slip on underneath some boxers, the nighttime nappies might be a bit difficult to do that but it'll just be me and Harry here so you won't have anything to worry about." He smiled softly down at him, wiping the tears from his cheek gently. "My poor baby, you've been struggling with this a lot huh...and I know it's not fun to have a stranger asking you these personal questions , but I promise you Draco I wouldn't do it unless I thought it was necessary, I just want to rule out the possibility of any medical conditions."

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