Chapter 13- Daddy?

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Draco sat down on the sofa, shivering with the towel around himself as Severus got Harry changed and into bed, we sat there for a while just thinking, what if he was being tricked into acting vulnerable? No...Severus wouldn't do that, he was a good man...what if he did something really embarrassing? What if it was awkward and he didn't even regress? He was pulled out of these thoughts as he felt someone kiss the crown of head, blushing once more.
Severus smiled warmly down at Draco. "Okay Draco, let's go get you in the bath okay? That lake water was a bit dirty." He spoke softly, caringly , the same way he spoke to Harry. "Now, would you like me to run you a bath and let you clean yourself up or would you like me to come in and help you?"
Draco blushed heavily at the thought of Severus seeing him naked and exposed and vulnerable, biting his lip as he began to feel his head go...almost fuzzy? "..yous not trickin me?" He spoke, his voice already noticeably changing and a bit more infantile .
The taller males heart broke hearing this, he knew it would most likely take a lot of persuasion for Draco to fully trust him, crouching down to the boys height. "Hey, I pinky promise I'm not tricking you bug, I'm here to help you feel small and safe , I'm not here to hurt you."
The blonde smiled a bit shyly, his face turning more red as he was called by that nickname...he liked it, it made him feel like a child, nodding slowly to Severus. "Yous help?.."

Severus practically beamed, he didn't like the idea of Draco in the tub alone just in case something happened, he wanted to be there to help him, so he nodded, casting a weightless charm on Draco before picking him up and holding him up on his hip, chuckling at the way Draco clung to him like a koala. "Oh aren't you just too cute." He hummed, starting to run a bath for Draco, filling it with lots of bubbles.
He blushed as he was picked up, though he found himself clinging to the man, holding onto his shirt tightly as he watched the bubble bath, blushing and wiggling around as he was told he was...cute? He sat quietly, chewing on Severus' shirt as he waited.
The taller man looked down at him and smiled a bit. "Hey it's okay bud, cmon let's get you a dummy instead okay?" He spoke, digging through all the bathroom cabinets till he pulled out a dummy the exact right size for Draco, though knowing Draco he knew he was most likely gonna be at least bit stubborn too, so instead of just putting it into his mouth like he did with Harry, he placed it in Draco's hands. "Here, this is a dummy sweetie, you put it in your mouth and suck on it, instead of my shirt okay? Take your time with it, go at your own pace." He spoke, now sitting Draco on the changing table so he could undress him.
Draco looked down at the dummy, god what would his father say if he saw him like this...but Severus was good and he knew this, he knew he wouldn't get into trouble so he slowly and shyly placed the dummy in his mouth, starting to suck it. He then looked up at Severus and whined as he was sat on the changing table, just wanting to be held, the slow rise and fall of the man's chest, his comforting touch and smell, his just wanted that again, pouting as his shirt was taken off.

Severus chuckled softly and placed multiple kisses all over the blondes face. "Oh aren't you just a cutie Draco." He hummed, placing his shirt in the dirty wash bin. "Okay buddy I gotta take off your trousers and your pants, is that alright?"
The blonde blushed and whined a little bit hearing this, he sat and thought for a few moments before giving a shy and embarrassed nod, watching as he was completely stripped down, with a red face he tried to cover himself, sucking on his dummy a little harder.
The taller man gently smiled at him as he picked him up. "Draco honey don't worry, you don't need to cover yourself. Don't stress yourself out okay?" He smiled as he placed him in the bath, gasping softly. "Oh look at all these bubbles Draco! What can you make daddy out of the bubbles hm!"
The little whined a bit but moved his hands once he was in the bath and the bubbles covered him, his eyes beaming as he watched the bubbles, he adored them. He let out a little shriek of excitement through his dummy as he began to play with the bubbles, managing to make a little heart out of bubbles, squealing as he handed it to Severus.
The caregiver gasped softly . "Did you do this all yourself sweetie? Well aren't you just my little artist!"
Draco gave out another shriek of excitement and nodded, while playing with the bubbles he hasn't noticed the Severus was actually washing him and his hair. He played in the water till the temperature began to drop a little, the pale boy getting goosebumps as he whined, reaching his arms up to Severus. "I wa geh ouh. Is cowd." He blushed at his newfound slurred speech.
Severus' heart melted hearing his sweet little voice, causing him to hum with delight as he gently dried him off with a towel after scooping him up, then laying him down on the changing table. "Okay Draco honey, I know your not going to like this but you need to listen to me okay? I think we should put you in a nappy, I don't want you having an icky accident, then we'd have to have another bath!" He smiled , kissing his head.
Draco blushed deeply. A nappy!? He didn't think he would go this far, he thought he could still make it to the toilet, so he just started to whine. "I dun need dat.."
Severus chuckled a bit, by the sound of Dracos voice he most certainly did need it. "I know sweetie I know, they aren't the most fun things, but if you let me change you I'll even let you have a little treat, it'll be daddy and dracos secret."
Draco thought about it once more, shaking his head as he just started to cry, tears pouring down his sweet little face.
Severus' heart broke seeing this, kissing his head gently, "oh Draco I know, I know it's not fun and it seems yucky but it has to be done okay? And they are supposedly quite comfortable too, I promise your not gonna get into trouble. Daddy won't let that happen."
Draco sniffled a bit and wiped his teary eyes before slowly nodding, if Severus had referred himself as dracos daddy, that surely meant he could call him as such right? He was once again pulled out of his thoughts as he felt the nappy being softly placed under his bum, the front being pulled upward and the tapes were done up snuggly, earning a soft hum. It wasn't....uncomfortable. It was soft, it felt like blankets, causing him to smile a bit, having not paid attention when he was dressed into a footsie babygrow with snapper down the front. He blushed a bit, though he did love that it was Slytherin themed, once more reaching his arms up to be held.

Severus smiled and showered him in praises for being so brave, scooping him up as he took him to the kitchen. "Now, I think we have some cookies in the cupboard, would you like some cookies and a bottle
Of warm milk for being such a brave baby boy for daddy?"
He blushed at his new found crinklyness, not a fan of the sound, but as he was offered milk and cookies he nodded quickly, giggling softly.
The taller male found this absolutely adorable, smothering the little one in praises as he began to heat up a bottle of milk and placed 3 cookies on a plate , carrying the milk, the plate of cookies and Draco to the couch, placing the plate on the coffee table as he adjusted Draco into a cradle position "okay my little sweetie pie, let's get you your milk first and then you can have your cookies." He smiled and held the nipple up to the child's lips.
Draco slowly latched on, melting into Severus' arms as he suckled from the silicone nipple, staring up at Severus with sweet little eyes .
Snape hummed softly and smiled, just laying with him closely, patting his bum ever so gently, he knew Harry absolutely adored this and hoped it would further relax Draco .
From all the comfort he had Draco started to feel sleepy, his eye lids growing heavy as he whimpered, the soothing taste of warm milk, Severus' caring
Hold, it sent the small baby into
A deep slumber.

Now when Draco awoke he wasn't where he had fallen asleep, he was curled up in his daddies bed, sucking on a dummy silently as he glanced around, though he felt something incredibly uncomfortable in between his legs, it was wet and cold and-... Draco froze in that moment, he had wet the bed, due to the fact he was in the mindset of a toddler he just burst into wails, not knowing what else to do.
Severus swiftly sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes as he looked at Draco. "Baby boy? What's wrong?"
Draco couldn't speak properly from how hard he was crying, pointing down to the now yellow nappy that sagged between his legs.
It took Severus a few moments to realise before picking the little one up after casting a weightless charm. "Oh my boy, you really did a number on this nappy huh. Well don't worry , we're gonna get you changed into a clean one okay?" He spoke, taking him to the bathroom and laying him down on the changing table, changing him as quickly as he could.
Draco wailed his heart out the entire time, he was so embarrassed and ashamed of what he had done, it broke him that he actually needed those when he was small.

The ravenette frowned and picked up Draco, leaving him in a nightshirt and his nappy to make checks easier for him, holding him closely as he just began to walk around, patting his back to try and soothe him, popping the dummy into his mouth too.
Draco cried into Severus for about 20 minutes, now just suckling on his dummy, hiccuping lightly every few minutes but other than that it wasn't much. "S-Sory.."
He frowned as he looked down to his son. "Draco, you have nothing to be sorry for believe me. You handled it so well and you've been so brave, such a brave baby boy, and if I'm honest you handled it much better than Harry did the first time he had an accident." He chuckled a bit, trying to cheer him up a bit.
Draco sniffled and looked up at him, nodding slowly and softly to him before nuzzling
Up close and tiredly. "Bed.."
"Oh someone's still tire-" he went to speak before hearing Harry cry too, chuckling he walked to his room and laid Draco down in his bed, then walking to Harry's nursery and scooping him up. "Hello dove, oh you just wanted a cuddle huh-"

Harry nodded and sniffled, his cries instantly  stopped as he was held by Severus, sucking on his dummy.
Severus smiled softly and laughed to himself tiredly. "Cmon, come lay on daddies bed with me and Draco." He hummed, walking to bed and laying down, he had one arm wrapped around Draco and the other holding Harry, kissing both their heads as he shut his eyes, pulling the blankets up. "Good night my little princes." He spoke softly, watching as Harry drifted off, Draco soon after, once he was sure they were okay and asleep he allowed himself to drift off, shutting his eyes, he loved his sons so much.

Aaaaa sorry this isn't the most amazing chapter guys! I have some good ideas for the next ones! All ideas help me a lot! All the comments are motivating me to post more :)))

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