Chapter 8

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the 48-hour rule, is it important? (double chapter <3)

"Yeah, you were right about the flowers, but I just don't get the 48-hour rule," Lisa argued as she led Tux and Maya to the pasture, releasing them both for the day and letting them out for the first slightly warm day since the ice storm.

"You'll get it when she says yes to the second date!" Will replied into the phone.

"I really think she'd say yes if I asked her right now," Lisa huffed.

"You gotta be chivalrous, Lis. Respectful romancing."

"I was chivalrous. I opened her door and... well I definitely forgot to help her out of her coat. But I was respectful," Lisa said.

"Flag on the play, you should have to wait an extra 24 just for that. No coat help? Lis, were you raised in a barn?" Will asked, cracking himself up with his own joke.

"Honestly, I don't feel respectful right now. I feel like a dick for not calling her and telling her I had a good time," Lisa argued, shutting the now empty stall doors.

Will just sighed into the phone. "Don't jump the gate. Sit still and wait for the starting gun."

"None of what you just said has to do with dating a woman," Lisa groaned.

"I'm being metaphorical!"

"Why wasn't I supposed to kiss her last night?" Lisa asked. She'd been replaying the almost kiss in the kitchen for the past fourteen hours, wishing that she'd just kissed Jennie.

"Respectful romancing," Will repeated. "You're not after a little lip action. You want to go steady too."

"I'm after going steady with lots of lip action involved," Lisa mumbled.

"And you'll get there in... thirty-four more hours," Will replied with a laugh. "Stay strong. Respectful romancing is the way to a happy marriage."

"Is respectful romancing how you conceived LJ?" Lisa asked with a smirk. "Because I thought that was junior homecoming."

"I never should have helped you," Will grumbled good-naturedly.

"You love me," Lisa laughed. "You named your firstborn after me."

"Emmy was hopped up on all the drugs the doc gave her before pushing LJ out. I blame her."

"I'll call you tonight when I need to be talked out of driving over to the house," she sighed, pulling the pitchfork off the wall.

"I got your back, Lis. Always have," Will promised.

"Always will," Lisa answered.

"And don't forget the respectful romancing!" Will added before hanging up.

Lisa groaned once more as she shoved her phone in her pocket and started to muck the first stall of the morning, hoping it would distract her from the urge she had to race over and see Jennie.

Jennie settled her hands on her knees, taking a deep, centering breath.

But just like the shower and the emails and the cleaning of the cabins, meditation was doing little to distract her.

Her mind kept spinning with the almosts of last night. It felt like she and Lisa were collecting the whole set of almost kisses. In the living room and now in the kitchen. And frankly, she was confused.

She was confused because it had been a perfect night. Silly yet serious, fun and flirty, and as easy as breathing at times. It felt natural to jump into that new dynamic where they didn't shy away from the compliments or the lingering looks or the blushing. It felt completely easy despite the newness.

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