Chapter 11

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"I'm just gonna apologize in advance," Lisa said as she pushed the door to the retirement home open and let Jennie walk in first.

"Grandparents love me. I bake and I'm very funny," Jennie replied, sliding her hand into Lisa's, tangling their fingers together.

"Baby, Pop... he's..." Lisa searched for the right word.


"An acquired taste?" Lisa suggested.

"Sounds like another Manoban I know. She was a little prickly to me in the beginning," Jennie hummed teasingly.

"Prickly?" Lisa laughed as she signed them in at the front desk.

Jennie cleared her throat and turned her face down in a frown. She then set her shoulders back and did her best Lisa-circa-August impression.

"Yep. Nope. Yep," Jennie imitated before breaking out into laughter.

"I'm sorry that a beautiful woman left me tongue-tied," Lisa huffed, pressing a kiss to Jennie's temple as she led her down the hallway.

Jennie grinned and walked into the rec room at Lisa's side.

"About fucking time!" Pop called from across the room, pushing himself up from his chair. Jennie felt her brows shoot high up on her forehead and a small exhale leave her lips at the outburst.

"Acquired taste," Lisa mumbled, keeping her hand on her hip.

"I did well with the last one. Hopefully, I keep up the streak," Jennie whispered back. She watched as a white-haired man with a stubbly beard, tan skin, a blue cardigan, and a smile that matched Lisa's walked toward them.

"I wondered when she was going to rope you into one of these nights. They ain't much fun, but we make the most of them," Pop greeted, reaching out and taking Jennie's offered hand in a firm handshake.

"I'm honored to have been included," Jennie replied warmly, not shying away from the firm grip. "And I'm honored to meet you."

"She's laying it on thick. She must like you, cricket," Pop said with a laugh.

Jennie pursed her lips slightly and took her hand back, returning it to her coat pocket.

"Pop," Lisa warned, squeezing Jennie slightly closer.

"Nothing wrong with it, mind you. I just haven't been deemed honorable to meet in years," he chuckled. "Now, there are three rules of Bingo night, Jennie."

Jennie just raised her brows, waiting for Pop to fill her in.

"One, you gotta give me all the elephants. I don't fuck with the other animal crackers. Two, it ain't cheating if nobody catches you," Pop said, guffawing at his own words and winking at Lisa.

At the small pause, Jennie looked between Lisa and Pop, her eyes narrowing a bit.

"Isn't there a third rule?" she asked hesitantly.

"Well, since you're trying to sweep my granddaughter off her feet, I'll let you figure out the third one," Pop said with another wink.

"Don't listen to him. There aren't any rules," Lisa sighed.

But the look Pop was giving her had Jennie thinking there just might be. She chuckled weakly and tightened her grip on Lisa's hand.

"Should we play?" Jennie asked, hoping that if they sat down for the game, she could hopefully try to win Pop over.

"Cricket, go get the animal crackers. I'll escort Jennie to our table," Pop said with a grin.

"Uh... okay," Lisa nodded. "I'll be back in a second. Don't listen to anything he says."

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