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Why does Dylan enters on such a wrong time??


I quickly took a shower as I was drenched because of Miss Nolan. Like gravely!! Did Miss Nolan really pull me into the pond.

But it was enjoyable, I enjoyed it.

I keep laughing and smiling a lot around her. Because she is that funny like those idiotic clowns.

I marched out of my room and sauntered in to my home office. And there he was, Dylan. With a smirk curling up his lips.

I walked in while he sat there staring at me with a smirk. I walked towards my file shelf and took a file before opening it but still I could feel his eyes boring holes onto my head. I was glancing down at my file when I asked,
"What??!" I closed the file and turned around to face him.

"Oh nothing!!" He waved a dismissive hand while chuckling.

I shook my head in dismay as I knew what he was pondering about.
"Look there's--" I was interrupted.

"How was your pond time with Naomi, king??" His smirk deepend.
"Sorry for the interruption." He wrinkled his nose in amusement.

"Dylan!!" I scowled at him.

"Come on king!!! You can share it with me. I'm not only your right hand man but your friend too." He said with seriousness and I don't understand what he's thinking.
"Is something going on between you and Miss Nolan.?"

My eyes widened in disbelief at his affirmation.
"There's NOTHING going on between us." I grunted.

How could he even think that??

"Oh come on!! Stop lying." He scoffed.

"I don't lie." I stated and in return he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

And then without replying he stood up and shrugged and shook his head in denial before exiting the room and I frowned.

What has gotten into him.??

Why would I have a thing for Miss Nolan??

I mean we are polar opposites, there's no match at all. And besides she hates me to her core for kidnapping her.


Today was Sunday morning and I had my free time with my plants like fertilizing them and then watering them. From my young age, I've been addicted to plants and trees, it just gives me that peaceful living.

Last time, Miss Nolan prepared dinner for both of us and truly.... food prepared by her is way to delicious than I expected it to be. Her food is far more tasty than that of the epic delight. A tiny part of me was also expecting breakfast from her but alas!!! She has still not come downstairs.

It was already half past nine and I was starving, so I ordered myself breakfast from epic delight. The same plane boring porridge.

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