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Frustration does not even begin to explain how I'm feeling right now. The last time I felt like I was in my house and had a husband, was a month and three weeks ago when I was having breakfast with my Leo. I haven't had sex with Leo since Sofia and Jason moved in, I haven't had a choice in what we should eat despite my cravings and the lazy Saturday tradition is officially GONE. Lisa does not listen to me whatsoever, I don't even think she remembers that am the one who gave her the job. The only thing that has been keeping me sane is the fact that Cruz and I were able to find Janeth. We have been closer than before. I think Cruz likes her but am not going to say anything about it, it's none of my business. But having my sister in my life again felt amazing.

When I checked the clock, it was almost 10 p.m. Perfect time for me to pass by a fast food joint and head home. Hank knew the drill. It was the best time because by the time I reached home Sofia was already asleep and Leo was in bed going through his emails. Yes, they are that predictable. "Good evening Ma'am", "Hi Hank. Any plans to start calling me by my first name?", I asked earning a chuckle. That meant 'No', but I had to try.

"As usual?", he asked and I replied, "You know it". he drove silently to the drive-through. I ordered and we went home. I went straight to the kitchen, removed my shoes, and walked barefoot as I looked for a plate, I put everything on the plate and then started enjoying my dinner with my phone in one hand, going through Instagram. It was all calm and peaceful until someone cleared their throat.

"Trouble in paradise?", Jason asked. "Jason, please. I've had a very long day and I just need some peace and quiet. Do you mind?", I said calmly unable to master the energy to entertain his pestering. His facial expression turned to one of guilt. He went straight to the fridge took a bottle of beer then sat beside me. After the first puff, he released a breath. "Am sorry Angel", I turned to look at him and he was sad.

"At first it was about pleasing the woman of my dreams. I wanted her to like me so bad that I agreed to the stupid bet. The thing is, I ended up catching feelings for you in the middle of it all and I was just too deep to back out. She knew that too. Am sure of it. I could feel it in how possessive she got. Am sorry. I know am a few years late but I am sorry", he said then stood up and left.

This was the first time that Jason was actually honest with me. I could feel it in every word that came out of his mouth. It was genuine and I appreciated the gesture. I washed my plate and got rid of the takeaway boxes then took my stuff to our room. I found Leo asleep holding his laptop. I took it away, waking him in the process. "Hey, wife. How was your day?", he asked in a sleepy voice. "It was ok, you?", I asked while helping him settle between the sheets. "It was great. Had dinner with Scott", he said then started snoring. Someone had a long day as usual. After taking a long bath, I joined Leo in bed. I turned the opposite side trying to resist the urge to touch him. I felt his hand circling my waist as he pulled me to his chest, spooning me in the process. A smile appeared on my face. Despite the last month and a half being full of territorial drama, I always looked forward to the moment when I could have Leo to myself. Even if it was for cuddles.

I woke up to the sound of people screaming. "What the fuck is going on?", Leo whined while stretching. "I don't know", i said getting out of bed with him right behind me. "I can't keep doing this. Am going home and if you don't come with me, we're done!", Jason shouted. "You're just jealous. He is my brother and if I want to stay I can stay as long as I fucking want!", Sofia shouted. "I saw the email yesterday Fia. The renovations have been done for weeks but you just like being here because it gives you control over Leo. Can't you see that you're ruining their marriage? All you do is control everything. This is her house and yet you make her feel so uncomfortable that she has to eat alone at night just to avoid running into you. What the fuck is with you huh? What did she ever do to you?", he spat making my eyes go wide.

"What the fuck is going on Sofia?", Leo asked. Calling her by her full name meant hell was going to break loose. "N-nothing. Don't listen to him. He's crazy", she said clearly lying. Leo went to our bedroom and returned with his phone in hand. He dialled someone and asked if there was any payment initiated by Sofia then hung up. "Do you mind repeating what you just said?", he asked and this time his breathing was a bit uneven. She swallowed hard.

"Uh... the renovations were done three weeks ago but I just thought it was ok if we stick around a bit more", she said looking at her feet like a child caught stealing cookies or something. "Why?", he asked calmly. When she didn't answer he stepped closer making Jason block her as if to protect her. "Is it true? What you say about controlling my wife in her own house", he asked Jason who nodded his head. "Can you do me a favour and get out of my house? Both of you... Now?", he asked calmly making Jason swallow hard and nod.

He pulled a sad Sofia with him. All I could do was just watch. I guess Jason was helpful after all. Leo turned and looked at me with guilt. "Hey, don't do that. She's your sister you couldn't have known", I said trying to comfort him but I don't think it worked.

Against All Odds!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ